Full Stack Developer – Online IT Bootcamp; Learn Coding, Data Science, AWS, DevOps, Cyber Security & Salesforce https://clarusway.com Reinvent Yourself Sat, 23 Mar 2024 21:14:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://clarusway.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/favicon-35x35.png Full Stack Developer – Online IT Bootcamp; Learn Coding, Data Science, AWS, DevOps, Cyber Security & Salesforce https://clarusway.com 32 32 What Are The Best Techniques For Debugging Frontend Code? https://clarusway.com/frontend-debugging-techniques/ Sat, 09 Mar 2024 19:35:16 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=41375 Imagine embarking on the journey of writing front-end code, where initially, everything appears flawless. Upon running the application, however, one is met with disappointing red warnings. This moment often leads to discouragement, tempting some to consider giving up. Yet, it marks the perfect opportunity to delve into Frontend Debugging. Confronting issues in front-end code is a call to understand the root causes of these problems. Debugging opens a pathway to thoroughly learn about and understand these issues.

This article is crafted to guide readers through the process of debugging frontend code, highlighting tools and methods that quickly identify issues. From the utilization of browser developer tools to the application of automated testing frameworks, the techniques discussed here are designed to expedite the debugging process and significantly enhance the quality and reliability of code. Equipped with this knowledge, one is well-prepared to tackle any frontend challenge that may arise, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning.

techniques for debugging frontend code

What Are The Essential Frontend Debugging Techniques For Smooth Development?

To become more practical in front-end debugging, it is necessary to use debugging best practices. Here are the most common 3 front end debugging techniques:

  1. Using console
  2. Using browser developer tools
  3. Using Debugging Tools

1. Using Console: 

In Using the Console debugging technique, developers write “console.log()” statements inside their codes to see the output of any variable or code part in the console.

How can Console.Log() Statements Be Used For Basic Debugging?

Console is where coders see the output of specific actions in the code. The “console.log()” is the statement that allows coders to show the result of what is written inside of the statement inside of the console. 

This process is one of the important skills of front end developers should have and also the first answer to “how to debug frontend code”.

For example, a coder can inspect variables with the “console.log()” statement like this:
“let y = 7;
console.log(‘The y is : ’ , y);”

This piece of code will show in the console like “The y is : 7”.

Another example is to check function execution to see if it is working or being called or not like this:

“function sayHello(name) {

console.log(‘Hello ’, name);



In this set of code, we are calling “sayHello()” function, and we will see “Hello Michael” in the console.

To sum up, we can use “console.log()” to check if we are getting the correct variable or if the function is called correctly. After that, we can add more “console.log()” statements to check other stages of the code.

2. Using Browser Developer Tools: 

In Using Browser Developer Tools technique, you right-click on the browser and select inspect to see browser developer tools opening. There are a lot of features, like console and network activity, which will help debug our code.

3. Using Debugging Tools:  

Using debugging tools is another common front-end debugging technique. There are options for setting breakpoints in your code while using IDEs like VSCODE or IntelliJ. These tools allow you to see your code step-by-step.

What Are Breakpoints, and How Can They Help In Pausing Code Execution?

Breakpoints are markers that tell the debuggers to stop at that point and help debug the frontend. Normally, the whole code executes when the coder runs the application, but with breakpoints, coders can put some steps before final execution. Therefore, they can examine each step and identify the problem before the final execution.

Coders can set breakpoints directly by the code editor. Also, in most modern browsers, coders can set breakpoints by clicking the line number in the source code. Alternatively, they can use the “debugger;” statement in the JavaScript code.

When the execution of the code reaches the breakpoint, it will pause the code execution. At that point coders can inspect variables and try to understand any problem inside of it. After that, they have three options: 

  1. “Step Into”: which moves to the next line of code and steps into function calls. 
  2. “Step Over”: which moves to the next line without steps into function calls.
  3. “Step Out’’: continues execution until the current function returns.

How Can Step-By-Step Debugging Be Employed to Tackle Intricate Issues?

When coders face an error, they cannot understand the problem in the console. To solve the problem, they start with creating breakpoints. However, these breakpoints should be logical and might be before or after some important functions or variable definitions. Therefore, coders need to start debugging mode and go step-by-step on breakpoints. They use “Step Into”, “Step Over”, and “Step Out” methods to proceed. Also, they can inspect variables at any breakpoints. Finally, when they find a problem with this method, it would be wise to document it.

What Powerful Tools Can Be Explored For Frontend Debugging?

In terms of front-end debugging tools, there are  3 main categories: Browser’s DevTools, IDEs Debugging options, and Specific Debugging Extensions. Firstly, The most famous browser DevTools are Chrome DevTools, Firefox Developer Tools, and Safari Web Inspector. Secondly, the best IDE for frontend debugging is Visual Studio Code. Thirdly, the most popular extensions are React Developer Tools and Redux DevTools.

frontend debugging tools

What Is Chrome DevTools, And What Are Its Debugging Features?

Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. It provides developers with a comprehensive suite of resources for debugging and optimizing websites and web applications. Here are some key features and uses of Chrome DevTools:

  • Check HTML / CSS: Chrome DevTools allows examining both HTML and CSS. Additionally, coders can see the box model of the element with width and height. Also, it helps a lot in terms of styling.
  • JavaScript Debugging: A specific JavaScript debugger is inside Chrome DevTools. It allows you to create breakpoints and go through a step-by-step analysis of the code.
  • Network Operations: Chrome DevTools also clearly represents the application’s network operations. Coders can see what is coming or going out from your application. The operation would not have happened if the color red was used. 
  • Console: In the console, developers can see the result of “console.log()” statements, which will help debugging.

There are a lot more browser debugging tools for chrome, but these are the most used ones for debugging.

How can Visual Studio Code be leveraged for debugging frontend code?

Visual Studio Code has a couple of shortcuts and easy-to-understand UX visuals for debugging front-end code. First, coders need to set up their workspace and launch configuration. After that, they can set breakpoints by clicking the left gutter next to line numbers or pressing “F9”. Later, they can start debugging by clicking “F5”. Then, they will see the debug toolbar and its actions of it. All variables and options for extra actions will be seen there. This is the process of how to debug front-end code in visual studio.

What Are The Debugging Tools Available In Popular Browsers’ Developer Tools?

All modern web browsers have developer tools because these tools help to analyze and debug the application. Here are the most popular 4 browsers with developer tools:

  • Google Chrome: Chrome DevTools with Elements, Console, Network, and more.
  • Mozilla Firefox: Firefox Developer Tools with Inspector, Console, Network, and more.
  • Microsoft Edge: Microsoft Edge Developer Tools with Elements, Console, Debugger, and more.
  • Safari: Safari Developer Tools with Elements, Console, Debugger, and more.

What Are The Best Practices For Efficient Frontend Debugging?

Efficiency in frontend debugging is important because it saves time and increases productivity. Several practices help coders debug the frontend code more efficiently.

Firstly, developers need to understand the tools that they are using. For example, if they are using Chrome, they should know Chrome DevTools. Also, they need to learn how to use breakpoints and console logging.

Secondly, using version control is another best practice for efficient front-end debugging. It will help developers understand what changes caused the problem, and you can also revert changes to fix problems.

Thirdly, reproducing the issue is a practice for debugging the front end efficiently. Developers should ensure they can reproduce the problem again before debugging. Without knowing where to look, one cannot debug well.

Another important practice is writing test cases. Creating unit tests and integration tests helps keep an eye on the code and catch problems directly when there is a change in the code.

Finally, documenting the findings and sharing the insights with the team members solve future problems.

Why Is Error Handling and Logging Crucial In Frontend Debugging?

Error handling and logging are very important for both users and developers since these two methods allow them to identify issues, provide feedback to end users, and prevent application crashes. Error handling and logging also give opportunities for debugging, troubleshooting, monitoring, and maintenance for developers. In general, they improve user experience and also security for better applications.

How Can Unit Tests Be Implemented to Catch Bugs Early In The Development Process?

Unit tests are one of the best front end debugging techniques. It is an automated test to verify the behavior of code or components in the code. So, implementing it will allow developers to catch bugs early. To ensure, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose a Correct Testing Framework: Select a suitable test framework for the project, like Jest for JavaScript.
  2. Write Testable Code: Write the code in modules and ensure they are testable. Break the code into small parts.
  3. Write Test Cases: Write test cases that will cover most of the scenarios. It should cover both the positive and negative behavior of your code.
  4. Automate Testing: Set up CI ( continuous integration ) pipelines to run your code with automatic tests every time.
  5. Refactor and Improve: Use feedback from unit tests to refactor and improve your code.

What Are The Remote Debugging Tools That Facilitate Collaboration Among Team Members?

Remote debugging is important where the team of developers can collaborate. A couple of remote debugging options exist: 

  • Visual Studio Live Share, which allows developers to work on the same workspace.
  • CodeSandBox, which is an online code editor.
  • CodePen, which is also an online collaborative code editor.
  • TeamViewer, which is remote desktop software.

Learn Frontend and Debugging With Clarusway!

Embarking on a journey to master frontend development and debugging skills can feel like setting sail into a vast ocean of code and complexity. Have you ever thought about what it takes to navigate these waters smoothly and reach the shores of success? This is where Clarusway comes into play, offering a beacon of light for aspiring developers.

Clarusway provides an immersive learning experience that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. With a front-end development course designed to cover everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to the intricacies of debugging techniques, students are equipped with the tools needed to solve real-world problems. Imagine having the ability to not only write code but to also diagnose and fix issues with precision and confidence.

But why choose Clarusway for your learning journey? The answer lies in their commitment to student success, offering personalized mentorship, hands-on projects, and a community of learners and experts. This isn’t just about learning to code; it’s about becoming a well-rounded developer who understands the nuances of debugging and can tackle challenges head-on. Ready to transform your passion for technology into a thriving career? Join us at Clarusway and turn your dreams into reality, one line of code at a time.

The Ultimate Guide to Frontend Development: Everything You Need to Know https://clarusway.com/frontend-development-guide/ Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:11:54 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=40641 Front-end development stands as the cornerstone of creating engaging, user-friendly web experiences, serving as the bridge between complex back-end technologies and the interactive web interfaces we navigate daily. This blog article aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of front-end development, covering the why, what, and how of this crucial field. Starting with an exploration of what front-end development entails and its pivotal role in web application design, we’ll delve into the essential languages, tools, and skills required to become a proficient front-end developer. 

With the digital realm evolving at an unprecedented pace, front-end development has emerged as a key player in shaping how we interact with the internet, highlighting the importance of not just the technical mastery of languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but also the nuanced art of creating intuitive and accessible user experiences. Whether you’re a beginner eager to embark on your development journey or a seasoned professional looking to update your skillset, this guide to help you learn the fundamentals, understand the intricacies, and prepare for the challenges of front-end development.

frontend development guide

What is Frontend Development and Why is it Important?

Frontend development is the process of creating and implementing the user interface and user experience of a website or web application. In other words, front end development is basically developing what you see and experience on the website. Also, frontend web development is a great showcase to users and helps them feel your website. 

In the restaurant analogy, the front end developer is a waitress who is smiling, communicating, serving prepared food, and preparing the restaurant visually. For instance, every visual and color that the frontend developer puts is like “preparing the restaurant visually”, and each user experience topics are also like “communicating with the customer”.

Front end web development is very important because, without it, there is no communication between the backend and website users. In that case, each user theoretically needs to know API logic and write code. This is impossible for most people, so there should be a need for some interface that will communicate, show users easy buttons, and make a beautiful visual showcase for users.

After learning frontend development definition and why it is important, let’s learn essential languages, tools, and skills to become a good front-end developer.

What are Essential Front End Development Languages?  

There are a lot of things that you can learn in front end development. Here are the front-end languages you need to learn:

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the backbone of front end development and uses tags to show needed elements; like for the header it uses “<header>”.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is what makes websites colorful and joyful. It uses the “<style>” attribute to make changes. For example, for the red text you need to write “<p style=”color:red;”>”.
  • JavaScript creates the logic and interaction side of front-end development. 
  • JavaScript Frameworks: React, NextJs, Angular, Vue are derived from JS for the need of “component” logic and easy rendering.
  • CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, SASS, Tailwinds CSS are more programmatic CSS solutions for all front-end projects.

You can find more information about frontend languages in our article “Top 10 Front-End Languages For A Successful Developer Career“.

essential front-end development languages

In addition to the key languages for front-end development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and their frameworks, there are essential tools that enhance the developer’s workflow. These tools are essential to optimize productivity and enable the creation of dynamic, responsive websites. 

What are Essential Tools for Frontend Development?

Here are the essential tools for frontend development:

  • VSCODE (Visual Studio Code) is an IDE (integrated development environment) allowing front-end developers to write code and use extensions.
  • Chrome Developer Tools have a lot of features that help with debugging and making tests.
  • Git / GitHub are version control systems that allow developers to track their work.
  • NPM (Node Package Manager) helps to install external dependencies.
  • Yarn is also like NPM but a faster version.
  • Webpack is an efficient bundler that makes it easy to load your website.
  • SASS is programmatic CSS, which includes variables and mixins.
  • ESLint, Prettier helps you to make the visually good syntax of coding and gives warnings if there is a syntax error.
  • Jest is a testing tool for javascript that helps frontend developers to test their product.
  • Figma is a UI & UX tool to design your website beforehand.

These tools, when used effectively, can streamline the development process, enhance productivity, and ensure the creation of high-quality, user-friendly web applications. It’s the skills of a front-end developer, ranging from a deep understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to proficiency in responsive design, performance optimization, and accessibility, that truly bring these tools to life. Mastering these skills, alongside staying updated with the latest tools and technologies, ensures that a front-end developer can tackle any challenge and contribute to creating an engaging and inclusive web experience.

essential front-end development tools

Having outlined the essential tools that support efficient and productive front-end development, frameworks and libraries also play an important role in modern web development. These resources further empower developers by providing reusable components, making code maintenance easier and speeding up the development process. 

What are Frontend Development Frameworks and Libraries?

Front end development is a dynamic and high-speed area that is changing fast each year; however, there are some fundamental frameworks and libraries that each front end developer should know.

Bootstrap is a CSS framework with pre-defined classes that developers can use easily. For instance, to create some blue buttons, the developer needs to use “class=”btn btn-primary” as inline CSS. React and Nexj.js are currently two of the most popular frontend development frameworks. They are Javascript frameworks and use component logic. For example, imagine creating a navigation bar; the developer needs to use it on each page. Instead of copying that navigation bar to each page, developers can create a ” navbar ” component and call it at the start of each page.

What are the Top Skills to Become a Frontend Developer?

There are a couple of frontend developer skills that are essential for developers. Some of them are related to the visuality and user experience of websites like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. On the other hand, some of them are mostly for utilities like Git/Github, Package Managers, CSS Preprocessors, and Code Editors.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most essential language for a website. It allows one to write the structure of a website and use tag logic. For instance, if you want to put a paragraph on your website, you will use the “<p>” tag in HTML.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is something that makes a website colorful and enjoyable for users. It has three types: inline CSS, internal CSS, and external CSS. The most used one is external CSS, which is an external “.css” file to make all logic. The “Style” attribute is used to make CSS active. For example, to make a button red, the developer needs to write “ <button style=”color:red;”>” in HTML and CSS.

JavaScript and its frameworks like React, Next.js, Angular, and Vue.js are essential for front end development. It is a language that makes websites dynamic and allows developers to write functions. For example, if users click some button, they will get a list of books from somewhere. Also, frameworks of JavaScript like React provide component logic to front end development, which makes things easy.

Utility skills like Git/Github for version control systems, code editors like VSCode for writing more structured code, and package managers like NPM handle external libraries and frameworks.

Finally, front end developers should have soft skills like collaboration, communication, and a customer-oriented mindset. Also front end developers shouldn’t forget that it is a continuous learning process, and everything can change in time.

What is the Difference Between Frontend and Backend Development?

Frontend and backend development are two fundamental aspects of web development, each focusing on different layers of a web application. Here’s a breakdown of the main differences on the topic of frontend vs backend development:

AspectFront End DevelopmentBack End Development
FocusMainly focus on user interface and experience.Mostly focus on logic, databases and functionality.
Tech StackHTML, CSS, JavaScriptJava, JavaScript, Python, MongoDB
ResponsibilitiesVisual elements of websiteAiming for best user experienceMaking suitable website for both mobile phones, tablets and desktopHandling data with databasesFinding solutions for Authorization and AuthenticationHandiling server-side
Who They Work WithBackend developers, clientsFront end developers, management

The symbiotic relationship between frontend and backend development is foundational to web application development. 

What is the Salary of a Front-end Developer?

Currently, front end developer salary is $74K – $124K/yr in the USA, according to job site GLASSDOOR. However, the salary depends on the experience and company size. If the developer has more experience, the salary will certainly be higher. Also, for Europe, it is around 55K €/yr in Germany, according to Indeed.

How to Learn Frontend Development ?

Before starting, we can say that everyone can become a front end developer! It doesn’t depend on age, social status, or background. It just depends on choosing the correct path for yourself and continuous learning.

There are 3 ways that any person can become a front end developer: Getting a degree, learning online, or attending a front-end development course. For the degree, generally, you need to take big exams like the SAT and spend your minimum 3-4 years on a structured curriculum. However, there are easier ways to become a front-end developer.

How to Become a Frontend Developer Without a Degree?

Anyone can become a frontend developer without a degree. You just need to choose the correct online bootcamp with great instructors and a related curriculum. However, you need to choose wisely because most of them are intense courses that will need constant learning and practice.

How to Learn Front End Development At Online Bootcamp?

There are a couple of things you need to consider if you choose to learn coding with an online bootcamp. First of all, it is an intense course that needs daily lessons, training, and homework. Therefore, you need to allocate your specific time for this path. Secondly, you need to be active in the process, like joining classes, networking, and doing hands-on projects. So it will be wise to choose bootcamp with a mentoring system.

Get Started to Learn Frontend Development with Clarusway!

Clarusway has a designed curriculum, great instructors, and a mentoring system that will help you to handle bootcamp more effectively. The program includes everything you need to become a successful front-end developer, and Clarusway has a CMS system that also prepares you for interviews and the job-finding process. Get started now with Clarusway!

Top 10 Front-End Languages for a Successful Developer Career https://clarusway.com/top-front-end-languages-for-a-successfull-developer-career/ Thu, 04 May 2023 09:58:03 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=33497 To have a successful developer career in front-end development, it’s important to be proficient in several programming languages and technologies. You might feel lost about what topic you should learn in the case of front-end languages. There are a lot of topics, and every person needs some kind of roadmap for their process. Without knowing top front-end languages, you might learn old topics that the market no more needs. For example, PHP was the best language for web development a while ago; however, nowadays, it looks like one of the old front-end web development languages. As a developer, you should always keep an eye on new tech that will shape the development world.

In this article, we will discuss what front-end development is, the advantages of front-end programming, the top 10 front-end programming languages, and the future of front-end languages. After reading all, you will have an idea about where to start in the case of front-end programming.

Top Front-End Languages for a Successful Developer Career

What is Front End Development?

Front-end development, also known as client-side development, is the process of designing, creating, and implementing the visual and interactive elements of a website or web application. When you open a website, you will see a nice layout of the web page, which has a navigation bar, a visual opening page, colorful buttons, and a cool footer. Those concepts that your eye can see and you can experience in the web app are the topic of front-end development. 

In technical terms, we can define front-end development as “client-side”. It means that the front-end developer should concern with all aspects of the client’s behavior and enjoyment. You should know the best languages for front-end development to make the best user experience and interface

What are the Advantages of Front-End Programming?  

There are several advantages to front-end programming, some of which include:

  • Front-end programming is easy to learn compared to back-end development.
  • The layouts and features will be exclusive to front-end developers.
  • Front-end programming allows you to create very fast web applications.
  • The highly secure area where you can create less vulnerable websites to cyber attacks.
  • Using your artistic abilities, you can design powerful and aesthetic websites.

Top 10 Front-End Programming Languages

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS indisputably dominate the front-end development landscape, with millions of developers utilizing their power and versatility to create captivating user experiences. Here are the top 10 front-end programming languages with features, pros, and cons.

Top front-end programming languages including, css, html, javascript, vue, typescript sass, angular, react, jquery, and swift.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a markup language used to create and design web pages. HTML is the skeleton of all websites. It is one of the most basic and important front-end languages for web development. The idea behind the website is the electronic document that refers to a page. So when you open a website page, it means you are opening an HTML file. So it is basically the most important part to understand the essentials of a website. 

Hypertext means here that “text wrapped in another text” so the logic behind HTML is using meaningful elements like “<h1>” for Header or “<p>” for paragraphs. At this point, people might think, “How can a web browser know which HTML file it needs?”. To respond to this topic, we may state that a URL identifies a web page and redirects it to an HTML file. Therefore, all HTML documents must start with a document type declaration like <!DOCTYPE html>.

html front-end language


  • HTML is a programming language with a low learning curve and is simple to use.
  • Moreover, the language is platform-neutral.
  • HTML simplifies adding movies, photos, and audio material to a web page.
  • The language can also be used to add hypertext material to text parts.
  • HTML is a significantly simpler markup language than other languages.


  • HTML is free to use. Developers don’t need to buy any software to get started with.
  • HTML is very easy to learn. It is the starting point for web development; people can learn it in a few weeks.
  • HTML has the ability to offer support and suitability for multiple browsers. For example, you can use Chrome, Edge, and Firefox HTML files.


  • HTML is not enough to create colorful, dynamic web pages. It requires other languages like CSS and JavaScript to make fully functional websites.
  • HTML has restricted security.
  • You need to write a lot of code for a single website.

             Famous Website Coded with HTML

  • Take A Ride With Me

2. CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation and formatting of HTML and XML documents. CSS is one of the most important front-end programming languages that allow developers to create layouts and styles for web pages. As we mentioned, HTML is the skeleton of a website, and here CSS is the body of a website that has colors, styles, and layouts. It is basically created to make websites more presentable and eye-friendly. CSS selects HTML tags and gives them special attributes like color, size, border, and font family. So we can say that you cannot learn CSS without knowing HTML.

css front-end language


  • CSS has selectors to pick HTML elements on the page. It even has pseudo-classes to style specific URL-targeted elements.
  • CSS has text effects and layouts. You can change the website’s font family, size, or color.
  • Creating art pieces with CSS alone is possible without any CSS frameworks.


  • CSS can save a lot of time. Once written, CSS code can be used in all HTML files. Therefore each styling that CSS refers to can be usable by any HTML file import.
  • In addition, CSS is easy to maintain. Developers can easily make global changes with simple codes; after those changes, all web pages will be automatically updated.
  • CSS is used more than HTML attributes in the case of styling.


  • In the absence of an understanding of global and local effects, you can run into problems. For example, you need to understand that each global change will directly affect every single HTML page.
  • A problem might arise between servers. Developers should keep an eye on compatibility between web browsers.

             Famous Website Coded with CSS

  • Coastal World

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. JavaScript is in the top three of front end languages list. It allows developers to add interactivity, animations, and other advanced features to a website. In the previous analogy, we said that HTML is the skeleton and the CSS is the body. Now we can say that JavaScript is the actions of that body, like walking or running. JavaScript has the ability to make websites live more with special events and actions.

javascript front-end language


  • JavaScript is an object-centered programming language. It means that it plays around with objects.
  • JavaScript creates a lot of opportunities for clients, like more flexibility, security, and interaction.
  • JavaScript can create websites with validation, click options, and motion.


  • JavaScript has the ability to manage server load. It can reduce server demand dynamically and make backend servers’ jobs easier.
  • JavaScript has a lot of rich interfaces that make user experience at a fancy level.
  • JavaScript allows developers to extend website functionality by creating third-party apps.


  • Yes, it has got more security options than HTML, but it still lacks server-side security.
  • Some JavaScript codes might not work ideally in different browsers.

             Famous Website Coded with JavaScript

  • Google 
  • Amazon 

4. React 

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In the case of front end languages and frameworks, React is the most popular one at the moment. Originally React was developed by Facebook for more fast and more organized web development. It is a javascript framework that allows developers to create components and render them in need. It manipulates DOM (Document Object Model) in a website to work part by part. It also has React Native, which is just specific for the mobile development of web apps. React has an enormous amount of extensions and architecture support for UI/UX design.

react front-end language


  • React has a JSX file type, making code easier to understand and debug. JavaScript’s original DOM structure is rather complex than JSX.
  • React has a Virtual DOM that allows websites to change just a particular object instead of the whole DOM.


  • React has too many sources to learn, which makes it easy to learn. There are online tutorials and specific programs that include React, such as full stack developer courses.
  • In addition, react’s Virtual DOM makes it fast and easy to optimize to get the best performance.


  • The React environment is too dynamic and hard to follow. In addition, many new technologies are developing, and it is hard to keep up with them.

         Famous Website Coded with React

  • Airbnb

5. Vue

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is designed to be flexible, scalable, and easy to use. The frontend language aims for optimal adaptability. The primary Vue library is centered on a view layer and is simple to use and readily linked with other current project libraries. The programming language was developed by an ex-Google employee named Evan You. In the case of the languages for front-end web development, Vue is the biggest rival of React. It is open source and uses the same logic as React, a single-page application.

vue front-end language


  • Vue uses Virtual DOM, which is the same as React. It works like this, there is a copy of the main DOM, and it reacts to the changes in DOM. After changes happen in the virtual DOM, Real DOM is updated.
  • Because of its MVVM design, VueJS supports two-way data binding. Therefore, using the QRR to modify or assign HTML value attributes speeds up HTML blocks. In addition, VueJS supports two-way communication to guarantee that any changes to the UI are reflected in the UI.


  • Vue has the advantage of flexibility. Developers can create templates with virtual nodes in JavaScript. If you understand Angular or React, it also makes it easy to understand Vue.
  • Vue has great tooling. It has built-in functionalities like Routing, TypeScript, and Unit testing.
  • Vue has two-way communication. Data will also change in the UI if there is any user interface.


  • There are some language barriers because Vue also has Chinese language support, creating compatibility issues.
  • Also, it has got over flexibility which might cause errors.

Famous Website Coded with Vue

  • Alibaba

6. Angular

AngularJs is a free and open-source JavaScript front-end framework commonly used to build single-page web applications (SPAs). It is one of the front-end development languages that is always evolving and extending to give better methods for constructing online apps. It transforms static HTML into dynamic HTML. It expands HTML attributes using Directives and binds data with HTML. Google engineers Adam Abrons and Misko Hebert created it.

angular front-end language


  • Angular has its own CLI, which allows creating commands to create Angular apps faster.
  • Angular offers very high performance and easy-to-learn installation.


  • Angular has out-of-the-box capabilities like the default. 
  • The Angular configuration provides a plethora of tools for developers to get started with.
  • Angular has consistency with responsive web app design and services.


  • Angular lack of SEO options.
  • Angular can be complex for some users.

Famous Website Coded with Angular 

  • Mixer

7. TypeScript 

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It is one of the top front end languages that uses JavaScript syntax but with types. So, TypeScript is a more complex version of JavaScript with similar functionality to type-based languages.

typescript front-end language


  • TypeScript is very similar to JavaScript, which makes it easy to learn. If the developer is good at JS, they can learn TS easily.
  • TypeScript also has JS library support that offers a lot of opportunities.
  • You may rename any JS file to TS.


  • TypeScript has script typing, meaning elements of TS remain the same as how they were set.
  • TypeScript has structural typing.
  • TypeScript has type definitions that help developers prevent future errors.


  • There are compiling errors with TS with old systems.
  • Type definition might be hard sometimes.
  • Each TS should convert to JS before running the app.

Famous Website Coded with TypeScript

  • Vivivit

8. jQuery

jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies interactions between an HTML/CSS page, or more precisely, the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript. jQuery facilitates HTML document traversal and manipulation, browser event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser JavaScript programming, to name a few features. jQuery is kinda easy in the case of front end coding languages.

jQuery front-end language


  • jQuery has the ability of both CSS and HTML manipulation.
  • jQuery has support for most modern browsers.


  • jQuery uses JS syntax, which is easy to learn.
  • jQuery code can be simple.


  • jQuery functionality might be limited with recent rapid developments.
  • jQuery needs a JS file which makes the app needier.

Famous Website Coded with JQuery

  • No Fun    

9. Swift

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for developing applications for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms. It was introduced in 2014 and quickly gained popularity among developers due to its modern syntax, ease of use, and speed. So it is one of the front end languages for ios app development. It’s an excellent choice for iOS mobile apps.

This Objective-C alternative has several flaws and is deemed obsolete. However, Swift does support several Objective-C ideas, such as extensible programming. The distinction may be observed in static typing as well as protocol design.



  • Swift has some syntax of Objective-C.
  • It is the best option for iOS programmers.


  • Swift is open source which has large community support.
  • Swift is safe to code in an error-free environment.


  • Swift has no support for older versions of iOS.
  • Swift is still in growing demand, making it, not the most popular.

Famous Apps Coded with Swift

  • WhatsApp

10. SASS

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is not a front-end language per se, but rather a powerful preprocessor for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). So it is a CSS-like programming language. With its characteristics, SASS provides users with the benefits of variables, nestles rules, mixins, and other capabilities for a more fluid front-end experience.

Keep in mind that SASS files need to be compiled into standard CSS files before being used in a website or web application. Various build tools and task runners, such as Gulp, Grunt, and Webpack, can be used to automate this process during development.



  • SASS has a developer mindset for styling.
  • SASS makes styling easier and more organized.


  • SASS has reusable features.
  • SASS provides clear code.


  • SASS code must be compiled into CSS every time changes are made, ensuring that the latest styles are reflected on the website or web application.
  • SASS can present challenges when troubleshooting, as its compiled nature may make it difficult to identify the source of an issue in the original SASS code.

Famous Websites Coded with SASS

  • Toyota
  • Coursera
  • Medium
  • Trello


To sum up, we talked about the top 10 front-end languages which are the most popular at the moment. In general, most of them are easy to understand, and with great effort, you can become experienced in front-end web development. 

If you are interested in diving deeper into the skills required for a successful front-end developer career, check out our other blog post on the “7 Top Skills You Need To Become A Frontend Developer“.

If you want to learn most of the topics here and more, you can join Clarusway’s front-end developer bootcamp!

Top Full Stack Developer Skills You Need to Stand Out From The Crowd https://clarusway.com/top-full-stack-developer-skills/ Mon, 10 Apr 2023 08:18:10 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=32033 You definitely need certain full stack developer skills to stand out from the crowd because there is some news! In recent days, we have been faced with something called ChatGPT. It is revolutionary in that it allows people to use A.I. for almost everything. It can create code, give you food recipes, or it can summarize the whole book for you. People lost their minds, according to the article that “ChatGPT reaches 100 million users two months after launch” on the Guardian; statistically, ChatGPT reached 100 million users in just two months.

However, some concerns are also rising, like “ Will A.I. take jobs in the near future?”. There is no certain answer to this question, but it is obvious that people who want to enter the job market need to be more skilled and stand out from the crowd.

In this article, we will see what is a full-stack developer and his/her skills. Then we will dive into the what are the top full-stack developer skills that will make you in higher ranks of job seekers. By the end of this article, you will have a roadmap that will enable you to stand out from the crowd.

What is a Full-Stack Developer? 

A full-stack developer is a skilled individual who works on both the client as well as server sides of software applications. They are a component of the development team, which is in charge of every web app component. They maintain the databases, design and handle the application’s backend activities and ensure error-free development, testing, and deployment.

Full-stack developers’ work is diverse; they understand both the front-end and back-end of web applications and are thus in high demand in recent years. During the application process, they assisted their colleagues with challenging issues due to their diverse skill sets.

full-stack developer

What are Full Stack Developer Skills?

Diversity is the key in full stack web developer skills, and you need holistic development with all technical and soft skills. However, don’t worry you can learn all skills and make yourself more valuable to employees. Now, take a look what are the top full-stack developer skills.

Top Full Stack Developer Skills?

Top Full Stack Developer Skills

There are a lot of skills that you can learn in full-stack web development however you need to allocate your time and energy to top skills. For example, you can learn adobe photoshop to make better images in design however it is not one of the full-stack developer key skills. 

If you want to get an entry-level full-stack job, you have to demonstrate your skills. If you don’t have a professional full-stack developer certificate, employers won’t be able to be sure of your skills and projects. The full-stack developer certificates demonstrate that you have worked on hands-on projects and you are quite experienced.

It is possible to categorize top skills in many different ways, but we can divide them into two primary categories: technical and soft skills.

Full Stack Developer Technical Skills

Among the technical skills required for a full-stack developer, there are five main categories to consider: front-end skills, back-end skills, basic designing skills, database skills, and web hosting.

Front-End Skills


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it is the first thing full stack developers should learn. When you open the website, it renders an HTML file which means HTML is the skeleton of the web page, and you can understand that without a skeleton, you cannot build something on it. Therefore full stack developers should understand HTML very well.

Secondly, CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets allowing developers to make colorful and organized websites. It represents the design side of the web app, and the front-end part of full stack development mostly depends on it. Therefore CSS is one of the top skills of a full stack developer.


JavaScript is the language that allows developers to communicate with web browsers. After HTML /CSS, JavaScript makes actions in the website that allows developers to create more advanced apps. There are certain frameworks that are created from JavaScript, like ReactJS, VueJs, and AngularJS. Full-stack web developers should learn JavaScript well and need to know one of the frameworks that we mentioned.

On the other hand, there is a more advanced type of JavaScript which is called TypeScript. After learning JavaScript well, full stack developers should also learn TypeScript, allowing developers to create more disciplined web applications. TypeScript has more advantages in the case of development than vanilla JavaScript.

Git / GitHub

Two of the most common full stack developer required skills are Git and GitHub. Firstly, Git, a “distributed version control system” for programmers, enables them to manage each and every step of the development cycle. It distinguishes itself from other control systems due to its error detection and tracking effectiveness. You can monitor how you are doing, make changes, add “snapshots,” go back and modify what is needed, and much more.

GitHub is a service that enables developers to work, manage, and evaluate several projects at the same time. Networking and communication between developers are facilitated by Github, as its name implies. Lastly, to provide developers with an ideal platform, GitHub takes advantage of Git features.

Back-End Skills


Java is a versatile language of programming. Furthermore, Java includes various frameworks that help reduce the complexity of backend development.

It is a unique ‘class-based’ programming language that is utilized not just for online application development but also for mobile and desktop apps. This makes it a versatile programming language for developers.


Python is a popular programming language for backend development, including frameworks such as Django and Flask. Python’s English-like syntax, easy learning curve, and wide range of modules and frameworks make it so popular among developers and coders worldwide.

The future of Python is very bright, and it might become the best language to use. Therefore it is one of the top full stack developers’ required skills.


Node.js is a platform that allows developers to run javascript code before it is sent to a web browser. It is so popular among developers that there are numerous conferences and events held each year to assist the Node.js community.

The main advantages of Node.js are scalability, speed, and maintainability. It is one of the most wanted skills in the market at the moment.

You can learn more about becoming a coder with the post: Can I Become A Coder Without A Degree?


One of web development’s most important aspects is handling data and databases. Imagine web application development without a database which means a person without memory. All web applications demand a database for storing all data. This is done to ensure that developers may later access the data. 

Managing relational databases and storing databases requires highly qualified and experienced Full Stack Developers. Therefore they must be skilled in database management and able to design, comprehend, and manipulate database queries. They should also have knowledge of XML and JSON.

Basic Design Skills

Because full-stack engineer works on both the frontend and the backend, they must have strong design skills. For a website to look attractive, front-end design skills are essential. Users are always more likely to stay on a website with a clean, user-friendly design.

As a result, full stack developers must understand fundamental design principles such as UI and UX design, prototyping, scalability, and so on.

Web Hosting Platforms

After finishing the application, there is another stage called deployment. This is the final set of skills needed to be a full stack developer. There are a lot of hosting platforms like AWS, Azure, Vercel, and Heroku. Additionally, learning Docker, Jenkins, and Kubernetes is also a great plus here. 

Full Stack Developer Soft Skills


The key feature of software development is being creative. You should always keep in mind that your application can change the world with your creativity, like Facebook and Instagram. 

Critical Thinking

There will always be errors and problems in your development process, and you need critical thinking here. This mentality will allow you to handle all problems in the process.

Strategic Planning

Every structure starts with a plan. Your application is also a great structure that must be planned very strategically. Therefore strategic planning is also a key skill for full stack developers.

Time Management Skills 

There will always be demands from customers, and most of them will be about time. The due date of your projects is generally a red line, and you have to get time management skills.


You will face struggles in both the learning process and the development process. You need to be patient and optimistic about the final outcome.


In general, you will work as a team, and your communication skills are vital here. You need to be at least able to communicate your problems and struggles in the work environment. 

There is too Much to Learn, What Should I do?

At this point, all of the skills might look like too much to learn. Obviously, people’s time and energy have limits, so allocation of willpower is important here. The first suggestion is to make a great plan and roadmap that will help you to handle all skills in the future. The second suggestion is that you can focus on tech stacks to learn.

What is a Software Stack? Which Stack Should I Learn?

A software stack is a collection of components that a website or online application requires to function properly. It consists mostly of an operating system, database software, a programming language, and a server. A full-stack developer can use a variety of stacks to create an application or a website, with the choice determined by the project or client’s demands. There are stacks for both front-end and back-end development.

Libraries, frameworks, version control systems, package managers, testing tools, caching tools, build systems, and other components comprise front-end development stacks. Container management technologies, caching methods, APIs (Application Programming Interface), search engines, caching tools, and DevOps are all part of the back-end development stack.

  • MER/AN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJs / AngularJS, and Node.js. It is a JavaScript tool that handles front-end development. It is additionally useful for backend development. This facilitates the development of website applications.
  • LAMP stacks, like MEAN stacks, are open-source but run on Linux. Apache serves as the web server, MySQL stores data, and PHP serves as the programming language. LAMP provides a more dependable foundation for developing and hosting high-performance applications.
  • RoR stacks, often known as Ruby on Rails, are a popular web framework application. It runs on Apache, NGINX, or WEBrick servers and includes the SQLite database.
  • Django stack- it runs on Python web applications, and the functionality is provided by the framework rather than separate modules. This stack was simple to grasp.

Final Words

To sum up, you need some top skills to stand out from the crowds as a full stack developer. It includes both frontend and backend skills and some important soft skills. After a long learning process, you will get a great full stack developer skills resume which will help you to get a job as a full stack web developer.

You can join Clarusway’s fullstack developer course today to get mentioned top skills in full-stack development. You will get a great opportunity to learn technical and soft skills, making you stand out from the crowd.

How to Get Full Stack Developer Certification? https://clarusway.com/how-to-get-full-stack-developer-certification/ https://clarusway.com/how-to-get-full-stack-developer-certification/#respond Tue, 07 Feb 2023 15:13:57 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=30052 To get a Full Stack Developer certification, you need to follow a series of steps that involve gaining the necessary skills, building a portfolio, and ultimately obtaining a certification from a recognized provider. The professional certificate will be proof of your full-stack web developer skills.

Full stack developer is a software engineer who works on the software application’s client and server sides. This sort of developer works on a software application’s Full Stack, which includes front-end development, back-end development, database, server, API, and version control systems. As a result, the developer is known as a “Full Stack” developer.

In this article, you will learn about how to get full-stack developer certification, which skills you will learn, why you need it, and which certification is best for you! 

What is a Full Stack Certification? 

Full stack certification is clear evidence showing that you know essential development skills and you have some experience with them. Additionally, it represents that you are able to handle all parts of development areas, such as frontend, backend, database, and server.

Nowadays, talent hunters are looking for full-stack certifications, which means you have a higher chance of getting a job in the IT sector with this certification. Therefore, it is great to target to get a full stack certificate and apply for jobs after it.

How to Get Full-Stack Developer Certification?

There are many ways that you can get certification for a full-stack developer. However, it is best to think about your current situation and pick the one which best suits your career. Always consider your situation carefully so you can decide the best option. Basically, there are 3 main options.

how to get full-stack developer certification?

Getting Full Stack Developer Degree

This path suits people who have years that can be allocated for education and wants to learn all aspects of computer science. What you can do is you can apply to your local universities for either a computer science degree or a full stack developer degree. In general, they have entry exams, and you need to commit to around 3-4 years of education. After that education, you can have either a computer science degree or a full-stack developer certificate.

Getting Online Courses

Another way of getting it is through online courses. Many online courses can provide you with a full-stack developer certificate. However, this path needs self-commitment and strong willpower because you need to control your work and observe your process. 

On average, dropout rates for online courses in general are known to be higher than those for traditional in-person courses, with some studies suggesting that online course dropout rates can range from 20% to 80%.

Getting Bootcamp

Finally, you can join a full-stack developer boot camp with certification. In general, IT Bootcamps are shortcuts for getting certificates; however, it has their difficulties. They have a curriculum of 3 months to 9 months, and you need to learn topics fast. Hard work and commitment are needed for Bootcamp also. 

On the other hand, peer support and career coaching systems are benefits of IT boot camps. It means that when your motivation becomes low, you can find external support from those sources. This path suits people who have a short period to make a career change.

What Skills Will You Gain with a Full Stack Developer Certification? 

A full-stack developer must possess a diverse set of skills, which primarily encompass front-end, back-end, databases, and server-side abilities. These essential competencies can be acquired through full-stack web developer certification programs, such as:

  • For Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, Swift, Angular, Jquery, React, SAAS. If you are interested in diving deeper into the top 10 front-end languages for a successful developer career, check out our other blog post on the Top 10 Front-End Languages For A Successful Developer Career
  • For Back-end: Python, Ruby, PHP, NodeJS, Express, Django
  • For Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • For Server: Docker, AWS, Azure, Jenkins, Kubernetes
  • For Mobile:  Java, Kotlin, Swift, React Native 
  • Others: Git / GitHub, DevOps, CI / CD 

skills gained by full stack developer certification

However, there are IT soft skills that full-stack developers will learn, like : 

  • Problem-Solving
  • Teamwork abilities
  • Presentation
  • Commitment

Why Do You Need Professional Full Stack Developer Certification?

Obtaining a professional Full Stack Developer certification offers several benefits that can help you advance your career and stand out in the competitive job market. That means you already know the full stack and created some capstone projects showing your experience with web applications. Here are some reasons why you need a professional Full Stack Developer certification:

  1. Skill validation: A certification from a reputable institution or organization serves as proof of your competence in full-stack development, validating your skills to potential employers and clients.
  2. Enhanced credibility: Certification adds credibility to your resume, demonstrating your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.
  3. Competitive edge: In a competitive job market, a professional Full Stack Developer certification can help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of securing a job or freelance projects.
  4. Better job prospects: Employers often prefer candidates with certifications as it showcases their expertise in specific technologies or methodologies, making them more valuable assets to the company.
  5. Networking opportunities: Certification programs often provide access to a community of like-minded professionals and experts, offering valuable networking opportunities and potential collaborations.
  6. Higher salary potential: Certified professionals are often more likely to command higher salaries due to their proven skills and expertise in the field.
  7. Structured learning: Certification programs provide a well-structured curriculum, ensuring that you learn essential full-stack development skills in a systematic and comprehensive manner.
  8. Hands-on experience: Many certification programs include real-world projects and hands-on exercises, allowing you to apply your knowledge and gain practical experience in full-stack development.

To join entry-level full-stack jobs, you always need evidence of your knowledge. The professional certificate shows that you did hands-on projects and you are quite an experienced software developer. Otherwise, employers could not be sure about your skills and projects. Therefore you need a professional full-stack developer certificate.

Who should get a Full Stack Developer Certificate?

  • People who want to change their careers as Full Stack web developers.
  • Web developers and designers in education
  • Innovative enthusiasts and marketing professionals looking to expand their knowledge of web development and online product creation
  • Professionals who are already working in agencies, startups, or IT firms who want to stay up to speed on the newest development, coding trends, and industry best practices.

Which Certification is Best for a Full-Stack Developer?

After learning all information about the full-stack developer job description and full-stack developer certification now, you can decide which path would be best for you.

Check Your Situation

Firstly, you should check your time and commitment. If you have a lot of time to spend on education, like 3-4 years, you can go to get a computer science degree which might be proof of your full stack developer skills. If you don’t have that time but you have very strong self-control and discipline, you can get an online full-stack developer certification course. However, the best full-stack developer certification option would be joining IT Bootcamp, which provides both a great curriculum and career support.

Consider Economical Aspect

Those 3 paths we mentioned have their costs. Most countries have expensive colleges, and it might be hard to sustain economically. On the other hand, online courses are mostly the cheapest ones, but the quality is bad. In the end, full-stack developer certification costs slightly better in Bootcamps because they have a lot of payment options, like paying some of the fees after getting a job.

Make Great Research

Even after deciding which path you will choose to get full stack developer certification, you still need to do great research about options. If you choose to go to university, check their teacher quality and alumni careers. For online courses, check their overall rate and comments about it. Finally, for the Bootcamp, check their alumni situation and instructor quality. Additionally, an up-to-date curriculum is vital for both 3 options.

What You Can Do After Getting a Professional Full Stack Development Certificate?

After finishing your path about getting a certificate, you can now start applying for jobs. You can use LinkedIn or other job searching websites to find your dream job. However, at that point, you should always continue to practice more. Getting experience should be your priority after certification. Try to develop more projects on GitHub and keep yourself updated about new technologies.

You should also start networking with your certificate that shows you are a full-stack developer. Try to reach people who are already working as software developers and ask for their advice. If you keep networking regularly, your chance of getting a job will be increased.

Full Stack Web Development Learning Path At Clarusway 

To sum up, you learned how to get full-stack developer certification. First, you need to understand what is full-stack development and certification. Secondly, you need to choose one of the three options: getting a degree from a university, online courses, or boot camps. Then you learn which skills you will get and who should get a full-stack developer certification.

If you are interested in the full stack and want to get professional full stack developer certification, you can join the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp of Clarusway. As we mentioned before, a great curriculum and career management system are important for boot camps. 

At this point, Clarusway has a leading role in boot camps that provide students with both systematic and useful course content. In addition to that, you can get a professional full-stack developer certificate with career management help.  

Having reached this point, you should decide which path you will take and become a great software developer. Please don’t forget to do great research before deciding to get a full-stack developer certificate. I wish you the best of luck in your career!

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Full-Stack Developer Job Description: Top Responsibilities and Qualifications https://clarusway.com/full-stack-developer-job-description/ Sat, 03 Dec 2022 10:56:38 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=28090 The world is changing fast, and Software Development is one of the key factors of this pace. Therefore there is always a need for developers who can create value and holistic approaches to problems. A full stack developer is a person of solution who can think about the big picture and find creative answers about what users need.

Technology professionals consider it a possible career path because it is one of the world’s most highly prized jobs. But what exactly does the job necessarily imply? The article about the full-stack developer job description can help you decide whether this is the right opportunity for you.

Full Stack Developer Job Description

What is a Full Stack Developer Job Description?

To understand the full-stack developer job description better, we can use the restaurant analogy. Imagine you are in a fancy restaurant, and you order your favorite food, fish, and fries. In a normal workflow, the waiter gets your order and delivers it to the kitchen, where the food will be cooked. After this process, food will be delivered to the waiter and later to you. 

In this analogy, a fancy restaurant’s visible side is frontend development which includes a fancy environment, waiter, and your order request. On the other hand, the kitchen is the back-end development which has got requests from users for food and gives responses of prepared food. 

At this point, a full-stack web developer is a person who can do both front-end and back-end development. Therefore, responsibilities are much higher than separate roles, but creativity and possibility are endless!

See the related article “8 Things You Need To Know About A Full-Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer Responsibilities

  • Create visually appealing front-end website architecture, including the conversion of designer mock-ups and wireframes into front-end code. Customers are supposed to like the finished product, and the eye-friendly design needed.
  • Design and create web page user interactions. There must be predictions about how users can behave on the website. There should be a map for user guidance and self-explained features that are user-friendly.
  • Set up backend support for a website that includes a database, applications, and servers. The brain of the web page is generally the backend part. It should be well-designed and clean code is necessary here.
  • Seeing a project through as a whole from start to end. In other words, the life cycle of the website should be planned.
  • Meeting both technical and consumer requirements. As a result, the people to whom the product will be presented will be consumers.
  • Keeping up with the latest developments in full stack. Everything is changing so fast that customers’ needs might also change in that process. Therefore full stack developer should be someone who can adapt to any innovation.
  • When architecting systems, ensure those non-functional criteria such as security, performance, maintainability, scalability, usability, and dependability are taken into account.
  • Research new development tools, programming techniques, and computer equipment; take advantage of educational opportunities; read professional periodicals; establish personal and professional networks; and participate in professional associations to maintain job knowledge.

What makes a Good Full Stack Developer?

Excellent full-stack developers are well-versed in modern frameworks and the most recent JavaScript versions. Furthermore, they have a design eye and can work with any website’s layout to ensure that it meets all requirements. They must also be able to work in groups because they frequently interact with design teams.

It is impossible to be an expert in everything, but it is critical to be more well in everything. A skilled full-stack developer should be able to understand everything listed above. When sourcing and interviewing other good developers, make sure to dig deep into all of the issues stated and screen for a history of learning new languages. Reviewingconsideredir personal websites or Github accounts is a fantastic place to start. If they have nothing to display, that’s the first warning sign.

You can read the article to learn more about What It Takes To Be A Full-Stack Developer?

Who Reports to a Full Stack Developer?

In general, tech companies are using different work management tools, but there will be agile methodologies, including scrum. There will be daily meetings at the start of the day, and the full-stack web developer supposes to talk with other team members about problems in the project. 

For instance, if there is a problem with the user interface, there will be communication with front-end developers, or if there is a problem in databases, there will be talk with back-end developers.

To sum up, it is supposed to be daily talks between Full stack developers and Front-end Developers, Back-end developers, Scrum Masters, Q&A testers, Designers, DevOps Team, and other team members.

Full-Stack Developer Qualifications

First of all computer science degree is still the most valuable qualification for this job. However, a degree is not enough in this current job market. It needs coding and soft skills to become a full-stack developer. 

To earn these skills, there are several ways, like getting a computer science degree or full stack developer certification from bootcamps. On the other hand, participating in an internship program while studying will push you to gain relevant experience and guidance and mentorship from experienced Full Stack Developers.

Full Stack Developer Skills

  • Front-end Knowledge: Expertise in front-end technologies such as JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5, as well as third-party libraries such as React Js, Angular, jQuery, and LESS.
  • Back-end Knowledge: Comprehension of server-side programming languages such as Ruby, Python, Java, and Net.
  • Database and Caching Knowledge: Knowledge of DBMS technologies such as SQLServer, Oracle, MongoDB, and MySQL, as well as caching methods such as Redis, Memcached, and Varnish.
  • Design Knowledge: Basic design abilities include UI/UX expertise and basic prototype design.
  • Server Knowledge: Experience working with Nginx or Apache servers, as well as a strong knowledge of Linux.
  • Experience as a full-stack developer. This is still one of the most important skills that recruiters are looking for. It can be either past work experience or solo projects.
  • Has previously deployed to AWS and knows how to automate tasks with AWS, Jenkins, and Docker.
  • They are at ease with often testing their work with tools such as selenium.

Full Stack Web Developer Salary Expectations

Once you look at the details of the job, there is also the outcome side of it: the salary. In general full-stack developer salary is high when compared to casual jobs in the market. According to Indeed research, the average base salary of a full stack web developer is around $103,238 per year in the USA. This salary gets higher when the experience of the job holder increase.

Full Stack Developer Training Requirements

In the modern world, recruiters are more likely to look at your skills instead of your degree. You can look and check that for full-stack jobs on LinkedIn and other platforms.

There are a lot of people who have graduated with computer science, but their skills are not enough for the market. Therefore, to start your career as a full-stack developer, you can focus on gaining skills and making projects instead of a degree. 

A very rewarding way to gain those skills is to go to an IT bootcamp. You need to select a high-quality bootcamp for your career because you will spend your precious time and you need to get a great education for your future job. 

Full Stack Developer Experience Requirements

Full stack developers typically hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science and/or have completed programming courses. Additionally, full-stack developers frequently have degrees in programming or related fields.

An experienced full-stack developer has experience developing backend, frontend, and full-stack applications as well as websites.

Full Stack Developers typically begin their career as either frontend or backend developers, and they have mastered both and are looking to expand their skills to include the interface between the two.

As you gain ongoing experience, you will become able to anticipate and identify problems, which will increase your value as a team member.

Soft Skills of a Great Full Stack Developer

  • Superb problem-solving abilities. Development means that there will be many errors and problems until the developer gets the final product. Therefore problem-solving skill is the key to a full-stack web developer job description.
  • Outstanding organizational and project management capabilities. As you remember from the restaurant analogy, this job needs to organize the whole development process, which needs strong structural abilities.
  • Superior communication and collaboration qualities. In general development process is a teamwork product. Therefore there will be a lot of communication between different professions, which needs strong communication skills.
  • Keeping up with new technologies. The software development environment has been changing rapidly, and today’s solutions might not be usable for tomorrow. Therefore, refreshing yourself with new technologies is a suitable job description for a full-stack developer.

Get Started Full Stack Developer Career With Clarusway!

Join Full Stack Development Course and change your life forever! Clarusway is the most satisfactory bootcamp for your future IT job! Check Clarusway’s Full Stack Developer Course!

How to Become a Web3 Developer? https://clarusway.com/how-to-become-a-web3-developer/ Mon, 08 Aug 2022 10:30:33 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=23507 In the next couple of years, Web3 will be a significant part of most industries. If you are considering a career switch or you want to start a career in technology, then becoming a web3 is a very good move. Web3 is still in its infancy stage with a high demand for skilled developers, which makes the sector one of the most lucrative in the world presently.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know to become a web3 developer.

What is Web3 Development?

Nik Kalyani, Decentology, a Web3 developer tools company, sees Web3 as an opportunity to simplify software development dramatically. Web3 development involves developing blockchain-based technologies. Similarly, as with web2, web3 has front-end and back-end development, and also, there is smart contract development which is essential for the development of decentralized applications (DApps).

How to Become a Web3 Developer?

For web3 applications, front-end developers or designers can take their existing skills and apply them to developing web3 applications. In terms of the back-end, developers simply pick a blockchain, then work with a single language, and then figure out the change in architecture on the blockchain. Also, to become a good smart contract developer, developers start to improve efficiency, optimize for storage, and so on that blockchain.

What is Web3 Development?

What Does a Web3 Developer Do? 

A Web3 developer is well versed in blockchain technology, and they have excellent problem-solving skills, creativity, and communication skills. C++ and Javascript are some of the programming languages to know to put together solutions with smart contracts. Also, Web3 developers must possess analytical skills to be successful, and a good way to learn these skills is by getting up to speed with the latest developments in the industry.

Transparency and decentralization are the foundations of blockchain technology. And blockchain technology makes it possible for every transaction to be transparent. Moreover, it solves security and data mutability. Web3 developers are employed to create these platforms and build on the blockchain. In other words, a web3 developer is responsible for creating applications on a blockchain or decentralized network.

Most Popular Web3 Developer Roles?

A Web3 developer’s salary is high because the developers are in high demand. As with jobs with high salaries, you would expect high competition, but that is not the case here. The job market for web3 developers is still strong because there are not enough developers to meet the demand. Companies compete to get the most qualified candidate for their jobs, putting a highly qualified web3 developer in high demand.

Most Popular Web3 Developer Roles?

Here are some of the web3 roles;

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain software developers create decentralized applications based on blockchain protocol and architecture. They can also create smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs stored on a blockchain that automatically run when the conditions are met. Smart contracts are used to automate agreements for all participants without the presence of a third party.

Blockchain software developers are similar to web developers because they create the front-end and back-end of a decentralized app (DApp). Specifically, there are two types of blockchain developers: blockchain software developers and core blockchain developers.

Core Blockchain Developer

Core blockchain developers create the blockchain’s architecture, design, and security. A core blockchain developer designs the protocol of the blockchain designs the security and consensus network and supervises the entire blockchain network. In addition, they are responsible for creating a development environment on a blockchain to help develop, test and deploy smart contracts.

To be a good blockchain developer, asides from being able to develop web apps and have experience in a couple of programming languages, you must possess the following hard skills;


Cryptography is the study of blockchain protocols that prevent a data breach from unauthorized and unwanted parties because security is a fundamental tenet for blockchain technologies. There are two popular concepts in cryptography; public key cryptography and cryptography hashing.

Public-key cryptography forms the backbone of cryptocurrency transactions, while cryptographic hashing transforms cleartext passwords into enciphered text for storage.

Data Structures

Blockchain networks consist of data structures; a good developer must have extensive knowledge of these data structures.

Blockchain Architecture

Blockchain developers need to know everything about blockchains like ledgers, smart contracts work, and consensus.

Solidity Developer  

To create and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum, developers use solidity. Solidity is a statically typed programming language whose syntax is quite similar to C++ and JavaScript, making it easier for developers that know these languages to learn quickly.

Solidity developers build secure smart contract protocols, coordinating deployment, and integrating them with existing tools and services. Solidity is a popular language due to the rise of DApps building on the Ethereum blockchain.

Some of the responsibilities of a Solidity developer are;

  • Manage the blockchain development lifecycle and ensure blockchain integration in applications.
  •  Build and review smart contracts for security and functionality.
  • Supervise Web Apps and DApps that use blockchain technology.
  • Integrate solidity code across different platforms.

Smart Contract Developer

Smart contract developers are hired to build smart contracts on blockchain platforms. As their name implies, they are responsible for designing and building smart contract architecture. Solidity and Vyper are some programming languages they use to create smart contracts.

To be a successful smart contract developer, you must possess some hard skills like knowledge of cryptography and experience in different programming languages like NodeJS, Solidity, and JavaScript.

Companies switching to web3 or building a web3 product will need the services of a smart contract developer because;

  • They design smart contracts and deploy these smart contracts on decentralized platforms like yield pools and Defi platforms.
  • They test and upgrade smart contracts.
  • They explore and research smart contract design implications.

Rust Developer

Another important role in web3 development is a Rust Developer. Rust is a unique programming language with a wide range of Web3 applications. For example, Rust is used when building on the Solana blockchain. It is a very popular programming language among developers because of its many advantages like easy documentation.

Rust Developer is employed to code different applications like web browsers, system software, and operating systems. Rust Developers is also used to debug and test for security.

To excel and add value to a company, a rust developer must possess some vital skills. A Rust developer;

  • Must have knowledge and experience using other programming languages like C++, Golang, Python, Java, etc.
  • Must possess experience using operating systems like Android and Linux and also databases such as MongoDB etc.
  • Must have experience performing secure code practices.

How Much Is A Web3 Developer Salary?

One of the most exciting things about getting a web3 job is the salary. A Web3 developer’s salary is known to be significantly high. For example, a web3 developer’s salary can be as high as $200,000. One major reason for this is that there are not enough web3 developers, and the demand for blockchain developers soared in 2021, making it one of the most lucrative jobs in the world.

Blockchain Developer Salary

Blockchain software developers and core blockchain developers charge as high as $70 per hour with a yearly salary of $150,000. According to ZipRecruiter, startups or small companies pay an average of $80,000 yearly.

Solidity Developer/Smart Contract Developer Salary

Solidity developers and smart contract developers are in high demand in the web3 space, and the average yearly salary for a solidity developer is $120,000. Depending on the company, the salary can be as high as $150,000 per year.

Rust Developer Salary

According to statistics gathered by ZipRecruiter, rust developers in the US receive an average of $100,000 yearly. Of course, these figures can be higher depending on the location and company.

Rust Developer Salary

How to Become a Web3 Developer?

The web3 ecosystem is small and with high demand for developers. Accompanied by the increase in cryptocurrency adoption and more money coming into the industry, there will be more demand for web3 developers. Anyone can become a web3 developer with the right study material and mentorship to grow in the industry. In 3 steps, I will highlight how to become a web3 developer;

Learn about Blockchain Technology

The first step to becoming a web3 developer is learning about blockchain technologies’ concepts. It involves learning about different types of cryptocurrency and the underlying programming language that is used for creating them.

Learn Programming Language

Solidity and Rust are one of the most important programming languages to learn to develop a web3 platform. After learning one of these languages, then you can develop your smart contract.

Deploy Smart Contracts

The next step is to test your smart contracts on a live blockchain platform. Different cryptocurrencies have testnets to test smart contracts before deploying them on the main network. Deploying smart contracts on testnets will help check for any potential bugs in your code that could lead to loss of funds or data integrity issues.

Make The Leap from Web2 to Web3 to Become A Web3 Professional With Clarusway! 

One reliable way of learning how to become a web3 developer is by attending an online bootcamp. Online bootcamps are designed to teach people how to learn a skill and be competent in a small amount of time. Over the years, bootcamps have become one of the most sought methods of acquiring a new skill because they provide a flexible schedule and are affordable.

Clarusway is one of the most reliable online bootcamps to learn Web3. Clarusway offers a 24week intensive course on Blockchain and Web3 Development. The course will expose students to everything they need to know about web3 development and to build decentralized applications (DApps) with different languages. The course will cater to students with little or no background knowledge of any programming language.

Clarusway not only provides a detailed Web3 course, but they also offer Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Engineering courses. In addition, Clarusway provides mentorship for students to monitor their growth and prepare them for a web3 role in the real world.

What are 7 Reasons to Learn to Code in 2024? https://clarusway.com/7-reasons-to-learn-to-code/ Thu, 21 Apr 2022 13:58:00 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=40139 In the ever-evolving digital landscape of 2024, coding has transcended beyond a mere skill for tech enthusiasts to a fundamental literacy in the digital age. It’s an empowering tool that bridges the gap between human creativity and technological innovation. In this blog, we delve into the intricate world of coding – a realm where language and logic converge to create the backbone of our digital ecosystem. Here, we’re not just talking about writing lines of code; we’re exploring how this skill can fundamentally reshape your life, career, and the way you interact with the rapidly advancing technological world.

Understanding coding is akin to holding a key to a vast universe of possibilities. It’s a skill that enables us to converse with machines, transforming abstract ideas into tangible digital solutions. From the simplest of scripts to the most complex algorithms that drive today’s cutting-edge technologies, coding stands at the core. With a blend of high-level programming languages like Java, JavaScript, C++, and Python, coding has become more accessible and impactful than ever before.

Why, you might ask, should you learn to code in 2024? This blog post is dedicated to unraveling the top five reasons that make coding not just a valuable skill to acquire but a life-changing one. Whether you’re contemplating a career switch, eager to enhance your professional skills, or simply curious about this digital cornerstone, our exploration into the world of coding promises to provide valuable insights. We will delve into how coding offers limitless learning opportunities, opens doors to lucrative career paths, allows for unprecedented work flexibility, sharpens problem-solving abilities, and deepens your understanding of the technology that surrounds us.

As we journey through these reasons, remember that coding is more than just a technical skill. It’s a pathway to innovation, a tool for problem-solving, and a means to understand and shape the digital world. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey to discover how learning to code in 2024 can be a transformative step in your personal and professional life.


What Is Coding?

Coding, also known as computer programming, is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a particular task. Coding can be thought of as a standard method of communication used by two people who do not speak the same language. In other words, it is the language in which humans instruct computers.

Coding uses computer programming languages to instruct computers and devices on what to do. In other words, coding is defined as the act of developing a script in a language that your computer understands.

The code is composed of lines, and they are used to execute the tasks of the machine. Binary code (“0” or “1”) is the simplest form of instruction that your device must understand to turn the switches on/off.

High-level programming languages like Java, JavaScript, C++, and Python speed up this process.

The functions of each programming language vary, but they all serve the same purpose: to convert code that people can easily understand into low-level language or machine code.

Programmers and developers use high-level programming languages to write computer instructions to develop computer software such as applications, programs, and operating systems (OS).


What are 7 Reasons to Learn to Code?

Whether you are a non-programmer, a beginner, or an experienced person, there are many reasons to learn to code and apply it at any point in your life. Here are 7 reasons to learn coding;

  1. Learning to Code Is Virtually Limitless
  2. Career Opportunities and Job Security
  3. High Earning Potential
  4. Ability to Work from Anywhere
  5. Empowerment and Personal Growth
  6. Enhancement of Your Problem-Solving Abilities
  7. Improvement of Your Understanding of Technology

1. Learning to Code Is Virtually Limitless

You can learn to code online through interactive classes or text-based tutorials available on websites. There are also dozens of mobile apps that enable you to practice your programming skills.

The option most people prefer is IT Bootcamp. An online bootcamp is a short-term program led by expert educators and teachers who follow a versatile curriculum.

It sounds like your curiosity about which programming language to choose for coding. Python is widely regarded as one of the best programming languages to learn conveniently. It is preferred in many programs and applications and is considered essential for data science professionals. Startingwith Learning to code with python would be a wise move.

As a successful bootcamp, Clarusway deploys innovative approaches — mentorship programs, peer-learning, and project-based group study methods. Also, Clarusway offers coding tutorials on its YouTube channel to learn to code for free.

2. Career Opportunities and Job Security

The demand for skilled programmers is consistently high across various industries. Learning to code opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities, not just in technology companies but also in finance, healthcare, retail, and more. Additionally, as technology continues to evolve, the need for tech-savvy professionals is likely to remain strong, offering job security.

3. High Earning Potential

Careers in programming and software development are often associated with high salaries. As your coding skills improve, so does your potential to earn a higher income. This is true across different countries and industries, making coding a financially rewarding skill.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides statistics on the median annual wage of $95,000 for coding and programming jobs. These careers tend to come with average salaries, as demand for programming jobs remains high.

4. Ability to Work from Anywhere

Remote work has been in the software business for a long period. In principle, this model enables you to work from any location with a stable internet connection and a table for your computer. For most, it’s a dream. If you want to experience yourself in another country, good news for you: there is certainly a high demand for programmers in your desired area.

Additionally, working hours are always flexible, and the concentration is always on generating meaningful results, not on being mindlessly tied to your computer for eight hours a day.

5. Empowerment and Personal Growth

Learning to code can be incredibly empowering. It not only gives you the skills to create and innovate but also boosts your confidence as you learn to tackle and solve complex issues. It’s a skill that encourages continuous learning and growth.

Whether for professional development, personal growth, or a desire to be part of the digital revolution, learning to code is a powerful tool that opens up a world of possibilities.

6. Enhancement of Your Problem-Solving Abilities

A new way of looking at problems is provided by coding, enhancing your ability to think logically. It is possible to tackle any coding task by breaking it down into smaller parts and using a methodological approach.

The methodology steps are to understand the problem, plan your solution, break it into sub-problems. Briefly, understand-plan-divide.

This systematic and logic-heavy approach to problem-solving can be quite beneficial for finding solutions. This can be used in any situation, both personal and professional.

7. Improvement of Your Understanding of Technology

The world is awash with technology, and it’s just going to get faster and faster. Coding is already a critical component of this technological progress and will become even more so when new robotics and automated technologies become available.

Learning to code will equip you with the skills necessary to continue creating the future. This may involve positions in Robotic Process Automation, developing automated systems for international banks or health systems, or even assisting in advancing self-driving automobile technology. This is only the beginning!

Get Started to Learn Code with Clarusway!

By now, you should have a sense of “Why you need to learn how to code”. Learning to code and programming will give you a plethora of benefits and job opportunities. If you want to reinvent yourself and become a coder, you are invited to Clarusway! Clarusway offers you the best training in IT paths with an Innovative Teaching Model, Up-to-date Curriculum, 1 on 1 support, Focused Approach, Career Services. Get started now with Clarusway!

Can I Become A Coder Without A Degree? https://clarusway.com/can-i-become-a-coder-without-a-degree/ Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:37:13 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=18154 If you are eager to become a coder but are unsure how your education will affect your career, this article is for you. First, we will discuss the various types of coding jobs and training options available, as well as their impact on the job search process. Finally, you will learn how the business world approaches Bootcamp graduation during the recruitment process and your chances of gaining a new career.

What Kind Of Work Do Coders Do?

What Kind Of Work Do Coders Do
Coders are employed in a wide variety of fields of information technology. Let’s summarize in general.

Coding For A New Program:

Full-stack developers develop the programs by coding. If you become a coder in the full-stack path, you may be classified as a Front-End developer and Back-End developer. You will build programs from their beginnings until presenting to the user by performing necessary tests in the processes.

Fixing And Updating Existing Programs:

Developers also detect bugs that occur while performing the functions of programs, correct errors from feedback, update the programs with the corrected parts, and publish them in final forms. This job is also critical in terms of ensuring user satisfaction.

Rewriting A Program For Various Platforms:

Different operating systems support various programming languages and tools. As a result, developers can meet the requirement of rewriting a program to run on multiple platforms.

Coordinating Programing Cycle:

This task coordinates the steps involved in developing, testing, deployment, and monitoring programs. This job is, called DevOps, has grown in popularity in recent years. DevOps engineers provide continuous interaction and delivery between stages with developed programs and DevOps tools.

Protecting Programs Against Threats:

The companies or the users of the programs must protect their valuable assets or personal data from malicious people. For this purpose, coders in cyber security, namely cyber security analysts, use the programs and tools necessary to detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Therefore, the demand for cyber security personnel reveals the importance of this field.

Data Analysis And Processing:

Data scientists are tasked with the responsibility of analyzing and generating actionable insights from data collected from the web, smartphones, customers, sensors, and other sources. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are both ongoing and complementary fields of study in this field. Making the rapidly obtained data stack meaningful is essential in determining company strategies in today’s technology.

What Skills Do You Need To Become A Coder?

Jobs require various skills, depending on the nature of the work. Coders design, plan, write, control, correct, and improve the programs. Considering these works, coders require the following skills:

  • Comprehensive thinking,
  • Planning,
  • Focusing on details,
  • Dividing problems into parts,
  • Generating practical solutions.

On the other hand, if you become a coder, you will carry out projects with your colleagues. Because these projects are long-term in nature, you must have the following soft skills:

  • Adaptation
  • Effective communication
  • Team working
  • Reliability and ethical behavior

How Much Do Coders Earn?

It is customary to ask, “When I become a coder, will I can get financially in return for all my hard work.” A tip for you: as a result of your internet search, the salary figures you come across will put a smile on your face.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), when annual salaries are considered, the average annual value of work in coding is $95,000. With the yearly growth of technology, it is predicted that recruitment needs will reach 700,000 within ten years.

Based on this, when you become a coder after Bootcamp, there will be no need to calculate how high your employment rate is. By the way, your salary will increase when you reach senior degrees over the years. These top-paying 10 percent senior degrees earn more than $146,050.

Pros and Cons of Becoming A Coder?

Is becoming a coder suitable for you? To assist you in answering this question, we will outline the positive and negative aspects. So let’s examine it together.

Advantages Of Becoming A Coder

Advantages of becoming a coder

● You Will Have A Good Salary:

Given the global average salary level of IT, it is higher than the average salary level of other professions. Therefore, even if you move to a different region or work for a different company, your salary satisfaction will remain the same.

● Job Satisfaction Is High:

When your products, which you created as part of an individual or group project, meet with the user, they provide a high level of job satisfaction. Positive feedback about your product will increase your pleasure significantly, especially at the end of a long project process.

● You Can Work Anywhere:

The most important feature that sets programming work apart is the ability to work remotely. You can work while traveling without being tied to a location. All you need is the internet. Even on the streets, we walk, it is now possible to meet this need.

● No Formal Graduation Is Required To Get A Job:

Recruiters try to learn your hard skills first, examining them with your knowledge of industry-standard programs and tools. Then your soft skills. Whether you graduated from college, Bootcamp, or even free training videos, the first thing to consider is what you’ve known.

● You Can Improve Yourself Continuously:

You can increase your value as a versatile employee by learning new programs and tools and improving yourself by staying current on IT developments. This enhances your satisfaction in all aspects.

● Your Problem-Solving Skills Improve:

Algorithmic thinking works by segmenting the whole and concentrating on individual problems. Thanks to becoming a coder, you will also increase your problem-solving skills in all areas of your life more easily with the same method.

● Take Advantage Of Freelance Opportunities:

You may not wish to demonstrate your abilities by working for a company. You have complete control over your projects and earnings and branch out into new areas with freelance work. Numerous job search platforms for freelancers are available on the internet.

Disadvantages Of Becoming A Coder

Disadvantages of becoming a coder

● Keeping Up With Rapidly Evolving Technology:

If you work in a technological environment, you must participate in the cycle of innovation, adaptation, and learning. Some jobs’ working environments remain constant over time. In contrast to other industries, becoming a coder requires continuous interaction with technology, adaptation to changing environments, and occasionally even contributing to this change. Constant self-improvement, while common sense for satisfaction, can be exhausting.

● Sedentary Work Environment:

You will always be seated in front of a computer. Reduced physical activity can have negative health consequences. But you can protect your health by participating in sports regularly. Most companies even encourage their employees for sport such as joining gym free. Also, you can find numerous products for working healthily, like using a height-adjustable desk and ergonomic chair.

● Repetitive Tasks:

When you become a coder, projects are broken down into tasks and distributed to you and your colleagues. As a result, you frequently work on the same or similar tasks throughout a project, which can become monotonous. For this reason, your motivation may decrease, and that can sometimes result in boredom. However, other aspects of your business are ripe for innovation, which will always keep you in shape in terms of self-development. So, it’s impossible to get bored here.

Steps of Building A Coding Career

Steps of Building A Coding Career


It is quite important to take some steps in order to build a coding career.

1. Make Sure You Want To Become A Coder:

To be confident about your job is not an IT-specific requirement, and it is essential for all businesses. You desire what and why. It would be best if you believed the coding is suitable for you. If you have no doubt, begin it. Starting trade is half the battle!

2. Determine Your Programming Language:

Coding is carried out in various programming languages. This divergence in languages has occurred due to developing technology and the proliferation of operating systems, the need for improved comprehension and writing, and compatibility requirements.

Generally, Python is preferred because it has gained popularity in recent years and is simple to use and distribute. Aside from Python, Java and C are widely used. The Bootcamp will offer you preferences in your path because, naturally, the language you choose directly impacts the direction you take in coding. For instance, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap for website or application developers, Node/Express.js for server business, and SQL and MySQL for database development are just a few of the languages you’ll encounter.

3. Begin Your Training:

It is critical where to begin your education. If you’re considering a new career, you’re likely to prefer Bootcamp. Because it is irrelevant what industry you have worked in previously or whether you are young or old to begin learning at Bootcamp. Additionally, you can participate in training from the comfort of your own home through online training. All you need is will and determination.

The other option is a university but, starting a new career with four years of face-to-face training may not suit you. Additionally, you can take the courses independently via educational websites. However, without the support of an expert team, it isn’t easy to plan the lessons and maintain both the strength and motivation to continue.

4. Reinforce What You Have Learned Through A Project:

Your project is also a crucial phase of your learning. The project is designed to prepare you for the tasks you’ll face once you start working. In addition, the project is intended to familiarize you with the tasks you will encounter once you begin working. Projects are self-contained to create a realistic environment in which seeking assistance from a teacher is not an option. When you become stuck, referring to your notes and searches will boost your confidence.

The bootcamp prepares the project to cover what you have learned and usually plans it for the last period of your education. If you are a self-learner, You will need to obtain the project yourself. But a worthwhile project almost always requires payment.

5. Apply For A Job:

Your resume is the first point of view in job applications. The resume describes the hard and soft skills that best tell you and your experiences and future goals. It would be best to take advantage of various platforms and resources to prepare a resume.

Furthermore, a resume alone will not be enough for recruitment; a job interview will also occur. In the interview, you will verbally express yourself and demonstrate your skills. Generally, interviews consist of several steps, and you will need to be specially prepared for them.

However, bootcamps can also assist you with both the resume and interview segments of the recruitment process. This process must be as active and focused as the learning period.

Where to Find Coder Jobs Opportunities?

where to find job opportunities
Now, you have passed all the stages, and it’s time for the first step in your career. You’re probably wondering where to begin your job search. As you learned in class, the internet will be your most valuable resource in this regard. So, let’s talk about some digital platforms for this process.


LinkedIn is the largest business network on the internet. This professional network can assist you in finding the right job or internship, establish and strengthen professional relationships, and progress in your career.

In addition, by displaying your resume and all of your skills on LinkedIn, you can allow companies looking for new employees to contact you and invite you to apply. In a nutshell, you will have the opportunity to showcase yourself in a showcase where businesses will follow.

Job Search Platforms:

These platforms are the easiest ways for companies to recruit people. All kinds of job postings can be found here. In addition, you can see IT’s employment announcements and the conditions requested for the application, and you can contact your preferred ones. Receptix, Indeed, Monster are some of these platforms.

Local Job Centers:

You can apply for jobs locally at the employment centers in your area. Although IT generally recruits employees on global platforms, there are also job opportunities in local centers. Therefore, if you intend to look for a job versatilely, we recommend you visit local job centers.

Bootcamp you attended:

Educational institutions are in contact with the business world. It is a fact that this relationship emerged as a result of the business’s desire to provide employees most shortly and safely. Providing jobs to its graduates is also one reason for Bootcamp’s preference. As a result, being a distinguished student at the end of your education will undoubtedly benefit you.

Become a Coder With Clarusway

Finally, you believe that you could become a coder without a graduation degree and then start a new career with the steps above. While reading this article, you may review Clarusway due to your bootcamp search.

Clarusway’s advanced training methods and expert trainers make your career preparation with the most accurate and practical techniques to make your dreams come true. No matter what age or business field you are in, come on then!

How To Learn Coding At Online Bootcamp? https://clarusway.com/how-to-learn-coding-at-online-bootcamp/ Wed, 09 Feb 2022 14:22:29 +0000 https://clarusway.com/?p=18032 It would be helpful to briefly recall the reasons for learning coding before delving into the coding bootcamp. There are a plethora of important motives for learning code. Maybe you are just curious and wish to launch your own website and also work on a project that you have developed personally. Another might be to embark on a new career and take advantage of great privileges in coding and software development. Perhaps you’re looking for a new hobby. Even if you are unsure about pursuing a career in coding, it is easy to see how learning to code can have extraordinary benefits when considering the world’s technological advancements. Most likely, you’re motivated by these benefits to the point where you’ve decided to learn to code. But deciding how and where to begin learning to code can appear to be a bit complicated. A variety of resources and tutorials may have caused this confusion. Then it’s time to tell you about coding bootcamp!

What is Coding Bootcamp?

Coding bootcamps are organizations that offer training within a well-structured curriculum led by expert instructors. Unlike free video channels and tutorials that are not part of a curriculum, coding bootcamps guide you through a specific plan, much like the procedures required to build your house from the foundation to the roof. In other words, it begins with the fundamentals and incrementally progresses until you graduate as a successful and motivated coder. Typically, bootcamps include support activities to assist you in taking the first step toward a career after completing your education.

how to learn coding at online bootcamp

Is It Worth To Learn In Coding Bootcamp?

If you’re motivated to learn to code and have decided to dedicate yourself to programming, coding bootcamp is definitely worthwhile. Let’s explain some of the reasons why. Focusing on the most in-demand computer science, degree lessons in the IT, coding bootcamps enable you to complete the four-year learning process in months without requiring any STEM background. Prior to beginning the training, it informs you of the various career paths available through the education. This will enable you to begin training more deliberately.   Coding bootcamp tracks your progress through each stage of education and schedules additional lessons to make up for missed points. You pay less than for a computer science degree and receive a fast-paced education. In addition, you will be prepared to begin a new career by saving money and time. Now, we have discovered what coding bootcamp was, in general, worthwhile. Now is the time to conduct a thorough review of all aspects.

is it worth to learn in coding bootcamp

Pros And Cons Of Coding Bootcamp?

You know that coding bootcamp can’t make you show up at your new job with a magic wand and learn everything at once. But let’s list the logical aspects that cause motivation so you can use your willpower.


  • It provides a structured curriculum, so you won’t be overwhelmed by free videos and lessons that leave you at a loss for where to begin.
  • Due to the interactive nature of the instructor-led lessons, you have the opportunity to ask your questions.
  • Lessons are reinforced with hands-on activities.
  • Interval projects are carried out to ensure knowledge of the projects in the business environment.
  • Thanks to those who offer online education opportunities, you can attend the lesson from anywhere with your laptop.
  • The correct path is determined based on your desires, opinions, and abilities in coding education.
  • In a few months, you will be able to start job interviews.
  • Career counseling will be provided during the course to assist you in your job search.
  • You can have a lucrative career by paying a small fee.


  • Most days of the week, you must be dedicated to the coding bootcamp and stay focused. Because the bootcamp leadership will not give you rein.
  • You must have your own computer. Even if you attend a face-to-face bootcamp, you will need to do reviews and assignments outside of class.
  • Coding bootcamps are not free. You must keep in mind that most “coding bootcamp free” inquiries involve the introduction of free courses for a limited time only.

Fresh Look to Coding Bootcamp with Clarusway

After delving into the topic of coding bootcamps, the next question you ask yourself is: which bootcamp should I choose? Let us have a fresh look at coding bootcamp with Clarusway. Because Clarusway provides much more than what you’re looking for. It’s time to reveal Clarusway’s differences! Leading authorities in IT professional training identify Clarusway as one of the best bootcamps.

coding bootcamp with clarusway

What awaits you in Clarusway’s Education Methodology?

1. Model of Instruction that is cutting-edge:

With LMS, you can work from anywhere, at any time, by using the most recent educational tools and taking part in final-year projects.

2. Up-to-date Course Material:

A customized educational program incorporates detailed assignments and hands-on practices with the assistance of industry professionals.

3. Support on an individual basis:

It offers one-on-one coaching sessions, quick response in Q&A channels, and a technical support hotline.

4. Intensive Approach:

Clarusway follows learner analytics and checks up with students on a regular basis through mentor-led educational guidance.

5. Career Services:

Clarusway prepares you for interviews with robust support for your LinkedIn account and resume. The Career Management System (CMS) is one of the most distinctive features of Clarusway. It was created for you so that you can best present the skills and knowledge you have acquired during your education in job interviews. It is worth noting that the placement rate in the US is 91%. At Clarusway, beginners develop job-ready abilities, professionals gain new abilities to control their professions, and businesses can equip their employees with growth-oriented credentials by joining one of the IT online courses. Clarusway’s process is designed to lead each and every student to a successful professional career in the emerging global marketplace. It’s time to level up! All you have to do is apply!
