Career and Job Finding – Online IT Bootcamp; Learn Coding, Data Science, AWS, DevOps, Cyber Security & Salesforce Reinvent Yourself Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:04:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Career and Job Finding – Online IT Bootcamp; Learn Coding, Data Science, AWS, DevOps, Cyber Security & Salesforce 32 32 20 Things to Avoid Saying in a Job Interview Thu, 09 Nov 2023 14:59:26 +0000 Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, the job interview process can be daunting. You want to make a good impression and show the interviewer that you’re the best candidate for the job. But it’s also important to be aware of the things you should never say in an interview, especially if you’re interviewing for an IT job.

In this blog post, we’ll share 20 things you should never say in a job interview for an IT job. We’ll also explain why you should avoid saying these things and provide tips on what to say instead.

20 things you should never say in a job interview

What are 20 Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview?

Here are 20 things that you should avoid saying in a job interview:

  1. “I forgot to bring my resume.”
  2. “You got it wrong; I didn’t say that.”
  3. “I do not have much experience in this field, but ….”
  4. “You can check it from Resume.”
  5. “I have no weaknesses other than perfectionism.”
  6. “I really need this job.”
  7. “I want to work in one of the five famous companies as soon as possible.”
  8. “There is no question I want to ask.”
  9. “I Don’t Know.”
  10. “My boss was the cause of all the problems at the company.”
  11. “What’s the title of the role?”
  12. “That’s a good question!”
  13. “Um, Ah, So, You Know”
  14. “I think I should ask your name again.”
  15. “Can I have feedback?”
  16. “I can code very fast, and I love to read books.”
  17. “How much vacation time do I get?”
  18. “I am planning to start my own business as soon as possible.”
  19. “What is the salary?”
  20. “I guessed you would ask this question.”

Why You Should Avoid Saying These Things?

There are a few reasons why you should avoid saying these things in a job interview:

  • They’re unprofessional. Some of these things, such as forgetting your resume or not asking any questions, are simply unprofessional. They show the interviewer that you’re not serious about the job or that you haven’t prepared for the interview.
  • They’re negative. Other things, such as complaining about your previous boss or asking about the salary too early, are negative. They show the interviewer that you’re not a good fit for the company culture or that you’re only interested in the money.
  • They’re unoriginal. Some of these things, such as saying “I have no weaknesses other than perfectionism,” are simply clichés. They’re overused and don’t tell the interviewer anything new about you.

What to Say Instead?

Here are some tips on what to say instead of the things on the list, and how to increase your chances of success in your job interview:

  • Instead of forgetting your resume: Print out multiple copies of your resume and bring them with you to the interview. You should also have a digital copy of your resume on your phone or laptop, in case you need it. For tips on how to build a resume, check out this guide on resume-building tips and tricks.
  • Instead of saying “You got it wrong; I didn’t say that”: If the interviewer misunderstands what you say, politely correct them. For example, you could say something like, “I apologize if I wasn’t clear. What I meant to say was…”
  • Instead of saying “I do not have much experience in this field, but…”: Focus on the skills and experience you do have, and how they are relevant to the job you are interviewing for. You can also talk about your willingness to learn and grow.
  • Instead of saying “You can check it from Resume”: Take the time to answer the interviewer’s question thoughtfully and comprehensively. Avoid simply repeating what is on your resume.
  • Instead of saying “I have no weaknesses other than perfectionism”: Everyone has weaknesses, so don’t be afraid to admit that. However, focus on weaknesses that you are working on improving. For example, you could say something like, “One of my weaknesses is that I can be a bit of a perfectionist. I’m working on being more accepting of mistakes so that I can move on more quickly.”
  • Instead of saying “I really need this job”: Focus on why you are interested in the job and the company. Talk about what you can offer the company, and how you can contribute to its success.
  • Instead of saying “I want to work in one of the five famous companies as soon as possible”: Show the interviewer that you are interested in the specific job and company you are interviewing for. Talk about what you like about the company’s culture and values.
  • Instead of saying “There is no question I want to ask”: Prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer. This shows that you are interested in the job and the company. You can ask questions about the company culture, the team you would be working on, or the specific projects you would be working on.
  • Instead of saying “I Don’t Know”: If you don’t know the answer to a question, be honest. However, offered to find out the answer and get back to the interviewer.
  • Instead of saying “My boss was the cause of all the problems at the company”: Avoid complaining about your previous boss or job. Instead, focus on your positive experiences and what you learned from your previous role.
  • Instead of saying “What’s the title of the role?” Do your research on the company and the role before the interview. This will help you avoid asking basic questions that you could have answered on your own.
  • Instead of saying “That’s a good question!” Take a moment to think about the question before answering it. Avoid giving impulsive answers.
  • Instead of saying “Um, Ah, So, You Know”: Practice speaking clearly and concisely before the interview. Avoid using filler words such as “um” and “ah.”
  • Instead of saying “I think I should ask your name again”: Pay attention to the interviewer’s name and use it throughout the interview. This shows that you are respectful and engaged.
  • Instead of saying “Can I have feedback?” You can ask for feedback after the interview but don’t expect to get it on the spot. The interviewer may need some time to think about it. You can send a follow-up email to the interviewer a few days after the interview to ask for feedback.
  • Instead of saying “I can code very fast, and I love to read books”: Focus on your skills and experience that are relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Avoid talking about your hobbies or interests, unless the interviewer asks you about them.
  • Instead of saying “How much vacation time do I get?” Avoid asking about salary or benefits too early in the interview process. Focus on building a relationship with the interviewer and learning more about the job and the company.
  • Instead of saying “I am planning to start my own business as soon as possible”: Show the interviewer that you are interested in the long-term prospects of the job and the company. Talk about your career goals and how you see yourself growing within the company.
  • Instead of saying “What is the salary?” You can discuss salary later in the interview process, but don’t ask about it too early. The interviewer will likely ask you about your salary expectations at some point, so be prepared to answer that question.

How to prepare for an interview?

To prepare for an interview, it is important to do your research, practice answering common interview questions, be prepared to discuss your resume, be confident and enthusiastic, and ask questions. For more tips on preparing for an interview, check out this guide on the benefits of mock interviews and how to prepare.

Top 10 Front-End Languages for a Successful Developer Career Thu, 04 May 2023 09:58:03 +0000 To have a successful developer career in front-end development, it’s important to be proficient in several programming languages and technologies. You might feel lost about what topic you should learn in the case of front-end languages. There are a lot of topics, and every person needs some kind of roadmap for their process. Without knowing top front-end languages, you might learn old topics that the market no more needs. For example, PHP was the best language for web development a while ago; however, nowadays, it looks like one of the old front-end web development languages. As a developer, you should always keep an eye on new tech that will shape the development world.

In this article, we will discuss what front-end development is, the advantages of front-end programming, the top 10 front-end programming languages, and the future of front-end languages. After reading all, you will have an idea about where to start in the case of front-end programming.

Top Front-End Languages for a Successful Developer Career

What is Front End Development?

Front-end development, also known as client-side development, is the process of designing, creating, and implementing the visual and interactive elements of a website or web application. When you open a website, you will see a nice layout of the web page, which has a navigation bar, a visual opening page, colorful buttons, and a cool footer. Those concepts that your eye can see and you can experience in the web app are the topic of front-end development. 

In technical terms, we can define front-end development as “client-side”. It means that the front-end developer should concern with all aspects of the client’s behavior and enjoyment. You should know the best languages for front-end development to make the best user experience and interface

What are the Advantages of Front-End Programming?  

There are several advantages to front-end programming, some of which include:

  • Front-end programming is easy to learn compared to back-end development.
  • The layouts and features will be exclusive to front-end developers.
  • Front-end programming allows you to create very fast web applications.
  • The highly secure area where you can create less vulnerable websites to cyber attacks.
  • Using your artistic abilities, you can design powerful and aesthetic websites.

Top 10 Front-End Programming Languages

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS indisputably dominate the front-end development landscape, with millions of developers utilizing their power and versatility to create captivating user experiences. Here are the top 10 front-end programming languages with features, pros, and cons.

Top front-end programming languages including, css, html, javascript, vue, typescript sass, angular, react, jquery, and swift.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a markup language used to create and design web pages. HTML is the skeleton of all websites. It is one of the most basic and important front-end languages for web development. The idea behind the website is the electronic document that refers to a page. So when you open a website page, it means you are opening an HTML file. So it is basically the most important part to understand the essentials of a website. 

Hypertext means here that “text wrapped in another text” so the logic behind HTML is using meaningful elements like “<h1>” for Header or “<p>” for paragraphs. At this point, people might think, “How can a web browser know which HTML file it needs?”. To respond to this topic, we may state that a URL identifies a web page and redirects it to an HTML file. Therefore, all HTML documents must start with a document type declaration like <!DOCTYPE html>.

html front-end language


  • HTML is a programming language with a low learning curve and is simple to use.
  • Moreover, the language is platform-neutral.
  • HTML simplifies adding movies, photos, and audio material to a web page.
  • The language can also be used to add hypertext material to text parts.
  • HTML is a significantly simpler markup language than other languages.


  • HTML is free to use. Developers don’t need to buy any software to get started with.
  • HTML is very easy to learn. It is the starting point for web development; people can learn it in a few weeks.
  • HTML has the ability to offer support and suitability for multiple browsers. For example, you can use Chrome, Edge, and Firefox HTML files.


  • HTML is not enough to create colorful, dynamic web pages. It requires other languages like CSS and JavaScript to make fully functional websites.
  • HTML has restricted security.
  • You need to write a lot of code for a single website.

             Famous Website Coded with HTML

  • Take A Ride With Me

2. CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation and formatting of HTML and XML documents. CSS is one of the most important front-end programming languages that allow developers to create layouts and styles for web pages. As we mentioned, HTML is the skeleton of a website, and here CSS is the body of a website that has colors, styles, and layouts. It is basically created to make websites more presentable and eye-friendly. CSS selects HTML tags and gives them special attributes like color, size, border, and font family. So we can say that you cannot learn CSS without knowing HTML.

css front-end language


  • CSS has selectors to pick HTML elements on the page. It even has pseudo-classes to style specific URL-targeted elements.
  • CSS has text effects and layouts. You can change the website’s font family, size, or color.
  • Creating art pieces with CSS alone is possible without any CSS frameworks.


  • CSS can save a lot of time. Once written, CSS code can be used in all HTML files. Therefore each styling that CSS refers to can be usable by any HTML file import.
  • In addition, CSS is easy to maintain. Developers can easily make global changes with simple codes; after those changes, all web pages will be automatically updated.
  • CSS is used more than HTML attributes in the case of styling.


  • In the absence of an understanding of global and local effects, you can run into problems. For example, you need to understand that each global change will directly affect every single HTML page.
  • A problem might arise between servers. Developers should keep an eye on compatibility between web browsers.

             Famous Website Coded with CSS

  • Coastal World

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. JavaScript is in the top three of front end languages list. It allows developers to add interactivity, animations, and other advanced features to a website. In the previous analogy, we said that HTML is the skeleton and the CSS is the body. Now we can say that JavaScript is the actions of that body, like walking or running. JavaScript has the ability to make websites live more with special events and actions.

javascript front-end language


  • JavaScript is an object-centered programming language. It means that it plays around with objects.
  • JavaScript creates a lot of opportunities for clients, like more flexibility, security, and interaction.
  • JavaScript can create websites with validation, click options, and motion.


  • JavaScript has the ability to manage server load. It can reduce server demand dynamically and make backend servers’ jobs easier.
  • JavaScript has a lot of rich interfaces that make user experience at a fancy level.
  • JavaScript allows developers to extend website functionality by creating third-party apps.


  • Yes, it has got more security options than HTML, but it still lacks server-side security.
  • Some JavaScript codes might not work ideally in different browsers.

             Famous Website Coded with JavaScript

  • Google 
  • Amazon 

4. React 

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In the case of front end languages and frameworks, React is the most popular one at the moment. Originally React was developed by Facebook for more fast and more organized web development. It is a javascript framework that allows developers to create components and render them in need. It manipulates DOM (Document Object Model) in a website to work part by part. It also has React Native, which is just specific for the mobile development of web apps. React has an enormous amount of extensions and architecture support for UI/UX design.

react front-end language


  • React has a JSX file type, making code easier to understand and debug. JavaScript’s original DOM structure is rather complex than JSX.
  • React has a Virtual DOM that allows websites to change just a particular object instead of the whole DOM.


  • React has too many sources to learn, which makes it easy to learn. There are online tutorials and specific programs that include React, such as full stack developer courses.
  • In addition, react’s Virtual DOM makes it fast and easy to optimize to get the best performance.


  • The React environment is too dynamic and hard to follow. In addition, many new technologies are developing, and it is hard to keep up with them.

         Famous Website Coded with React

  • Airbnb

5. Vue

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is designed to be flexible, scalable, and easy to use. The frontend language aims for optimal adaptability. The primary Vue library is centered on a view layer and is simple to use and readily linked with other current project libraries. The programming language was developed by an ex-Google employee named Evan You. In the case of the languages for front-end web development, Vue is the biggest rival of React. It is open source and uses the same logic as React, a single-page application.

vue front-end language


  • Vue uses Virtual DOM, which is the same as React. It works like this, there is a copy of the main DOM, and it reacts to the changes in DOM. After changes happen in the virtual DOM, Real DOM is updated.
  • Because of its MVVM design, VueJS supports two-way data binding. Therefore, using the QRR to modify or assign HTML value attributes speeds up HTML blocks. In addition, VueJS supports two-way communication to guarantee that any changes to the UI are reflected in the UI.


  • Vue has the advantage of flexibility. Developers can create templates with virtual nodes in JavaScript. If you understand Angular or React, it also makes it easy to understand Vue.
  • Vue has great tooling. It has built-in functionalities like Routing, TypeScript, and Unit testing.
  • Vue has two-way communication. Data will also change in the UI if there is any user interface.


  • There are some language barriers because Vue also has Chinese language support, creating compatibility issues.
  • Also, it has got over flexibility which might cause errors.

Famous Website Coded with Vue

  • Alibaba

6. Angular

AngularJs is a free and open-source JavaScript front-end framework commonly used to build single-page web applications (SPAs). It is one of the front-end development languages that is always evolving and extending to give better methods for constructing online apps. It transforms static HTML into dynamic HTML. It expands HTML attributes using Directives and binds data with HTML. Google engineers Adam Abrons and Misko Hebert created it.

angular front-end language


  • Angular has its own CLI, which allows creating commands to create Angular apps faster.
  • Angular offers very high performance and easy-to-learn installation.


  • Angular has out-of-the-box capabilities like the default. 
  • The Angular configuration provides a plethora of tools for developers to get started with.
  • Angular has consistency with responsive web app design and services.


  • Angular lack of SEO options.
  • Angular can be complex for some users.

Famous Website Coded with Angular 

  • Mixer

7. TypeScript 

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It is one of the top front end languages that uses JavaScript syntax but with types. So, TypeScript is a more complex version of JavaScript with similar functionality to type-based languages.

typescript front-end language


  • TypeScript is very similar to JavaScript, which makes it easy to learn. If the developer is good at JS, they can learn TS easily.
  • TypeScript also has JS library support that offers a lot of opportunities.
  • You may rename any JS file to TS.


  • TypeScript has script typing, meaning elements of TS remain the same as how they were set.
  • TypeScript has structural typing.
  • TypeScript has type definitions that help developers prevent future errors.


  • There are compiling errors with TS with old systems.
  • Type definition might be hard sometimes.
  • Each TS should convert to JS before running the app.

Famous Website Coded with TypeScript

  • Vivivit

8. jQuery

jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies interactions between an HTML/CSS page, or more precisely, the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript. jQuery facilitates HTML document traversal and manipulation, browser event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser JavaScript programming, to name a few features. jQuery is kinda easy in the case of front end coding languages.

jQuery front-end language


  • jQuery has the ability of both CSS and HTML manipulation.
  • jQuery has support for most modern browsers.


  • jQuery uses JS syntax, which is easy to learn.
  • jQuery code can be simple.


  • jQuery functionality might be limited with recent rapid developments.
  • jQuery needs a JS file which makes the app needier.

Famous Website Coded with JQuery

  • No Fun    

9. Swift

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for developing applications for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms. It was introduced in 2014 and quickly gained popularity among developers due to its modern syntax, ease of use, and speed. So it is one of the front end languages for ios app development. It’s an excellent choice for iOS mobile apps.

This Objective-C alternative has several flaws and is deemed obsolete. However, Swift does support several Objective-C ideas, such as extensible programming. The distinction may be observed in static typing as well as protocol design.



  • Swift has some syntax of Objective-C.
  • It is the best option for iOS programmers.


  • Swift is open source which has large community support.
  • Swift is safe to code in an error-free environment.


  • Swift has no support for older versions of iOS.
  • Swift is still in growing demand, making it, not the most popular.

Famous Apps Coded with Swift

  • WhatsApp

10. SASS

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is not a front-end language per se, but rather a powerful preprocessor for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). So it is a CSS-like programming language. With its characteristics, SASS provides users with the benefits of variables, nestles rules, mixins, and other capabilities for a more fluid front-end experience.

Keep in mind that SASS files need to be compiled into standard CSS files before being used in a website or web application. Various build tools and task runners, such as Gulp, Grunt, and Webpack, can be used to automate this process during development.



  • SASS has a developer mindset for styling.
  • SASS makes styling easier and more organized.


  • SASS has reusable features.
  • SASS provides clear code.


  • SASS code must be compiled into CSS every time changes are made, ensuring that the latest styles are reflected on the website or web application.
  • SASS can present challenges when troubleshooting, as its compiled nature may make it difficult to identify the source of an issue in the original SASS code.

Famous Websites Coded with SASS

  • Toyota
  • Coursera
  • Medium
  • Trello


To sum up, we talked about the top 10 front-end languages which are the most popular at the moment. In general, most of them are easy to understand, and with great effort, you can become experienced in front-end web development. 

If you are interested in diving deeper into the skills required for a successful front-end developer career, check out our other blog post on the “7 Top Skills You Need To Become A Frontend Developer“.

If you want to learn most of the topics here and more, you can join Clarusway’s front-end developer bootcamp!

Top 7 IT Jobs In 2024 Fri, 02 Sep 2022 17:03:00 +0000 As we embrace 2024, the IT industry continues to witness an unprecedented evolution, a trend that has been consistently escalating in recent years. In the wake of transformative global events, notably the Covid-19 pandemic, the IT sector has not only adapted but thrived, marking a significant shift in employment trends and job demands.

This blog post delves into the dynamic world of IT jobs, spotlighting the top seven roles that are shaping the industry’s future. Backed by comprehensive analysis from industry experts and data-driven reports, we uncover the most in-demand IT jobs that are predicted to dominate the market in 2024.

A striking highlight is the staggering 1400% increase in demand for IT jobs in 2021; therefore, the industry has moved rapidly towards automation and intelligent technologies. In a similar vein, Software Developer roles are projected to expand by 21-25% over the next decade, significantly outpacing the average job market growth.

Data Scientists, with their critical role in deciphering vast amounts of data for strategic decision-making, are also seeing a noteworthy trend, with an expected 27% job increase by 2026 as per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Furthermore, the cybersecurity domain is more relevant than ever, with over 700,000 job openings in the US alone, signaling a robust, virtually zero-unemployment sector.

These figures and trends are not just numbers; they represent a paradigm shift in the IT landscape, emphasizing the critical nature and high demand for these roles. This blog aims to provide a clear, numerical, and insightful overview of these top IT jobs, guiding those interested in navigating the evolving tech job market of 2024.

What Are Most In-Demand IT Jobs in 2024?

The IT industry continues to evolve rapidly, and several in-demand IT jobs are shaping the IT career path. According to the views of many industry experts on IT Jobs analysis, the following 7 IT jobs are predicted to stand out and be most in-demand in 2024.

Artificial Intelligence Programmer (AI)/Machine Learning Engineer (ML) :

AI ensures computers produce decisions. Artificial intelligence consists of Machine Learning, and ML is one of the key branches that involves building computer systems.

AI and ML engineers make path-breaking programming and software developments for the industry. They produce cars without drivers, assist systems in treating diseases, and program robots in a quality never before. AI and ML machines can do more work more accurately than humans have been doing.

It’s hard to find a sector that AI/ML will not impact. These IT jobs consist of robotic engineers, software developers, ML engineers, design engineers, and more.

The demand for these IT JOBS is incredible. The demand rating reached as high as %1400 in 2021.

Software Developers

These IT jobs are also in high demand because the companies need developers to produce, develop, implement, test, fix, advise software programs. So these people must have the ability to code in different programming, making it a multi-team job. Software developer jobs include programmers, coders, and software architects. Projections from many sources are that this branch will expand from 21-25% over the next decade. It is foreseen to be a high demand, much greater than the average job market.

Data Scientists

Data scientists use statistics, programming, and business essentials to solve large quantities of data. They bring options to assist companies in deciding what to make depending on real data and models. Many companies increase their intelligent automation systems with data science and data mining skills.

These IT jobs include data engineers, data analysts, data architects, statisticians, operations analysts, data miners, and more. There seem to be many variants in the workday, which is huge momentum for many people.

This area currently experiences a significant lack of skill that is foreseen to continue to grow. Those who want to work in remote IT jobs have enjoyed the biggest growth recently.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 27% increase in jobs in this field by 2026.


IT Jobs related to the cybersecurity field have huge open positions all over the world in 2024. That’s over 700,000 positions in the US alone. This means no unemployment for this job field is expected.

This job title includes information security specialists, security systems administrators, senior IT security consultants, chief information security officers, and others.

Hackers, criminals, and even states trying to make mayhem online are not completing these positions fast enough. They need online solid security teams for many sectors, states, and organizations in healthcare, business, finance, and other sectors.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “As organizations and institutions across a huge range of industries go on to integrate applications and other digital tools into their services and operations, they will be required to invest in the cybersecurity field to prevent data misuses. According to one estimate, the global cybersecurity market is projected to grow 86 percent from around $145 billion in 2018 to $270 billion by 2026.

Cloud Architects

The fast change to the work-from-home model makes many organizations adopt additional cloud services and their related applications. A Cloud Architect’s primary responsibility is to convert the technical necessities of a project into the architecture that will guide the final product. These IT jobs build connections between business technical requirements and cloud solutions. The technical team includes DevOps engineers, cloud engineers, and developers who work with the Cloud Architect to ensure that the right solutions are being produced.

Cloud Architects IT Jobs require;

  • Good knowledge of at least one Operating System: Unix, Linux, Solaris, Ubuntu, Windows. Linux operating system is more preferable among the others.
  • Knowledge of networking is a must.
  • Coding/Programming: A minimal understanding of a programming or scripting language is required in a way. This is not a must, but it will be a helpful skill.
  • Security: Security in the cloud is crucial; therefore, good knowledge about security principles is an obligation for a Cloud Architect. Some basic security concepts, such as firewalls, are necessary.

These IT jobs are in high demand, with exponential growth forecasted in the coming years.

Web Developer

This IT Job consists of writing, developing, and debugging software systems for websites. They are responsible for all technical issues of the site, leading in a group of determining how the web page seems and its functionality and rating. These people have to be proficient in programming coding to make websites and manage e-commerce and the database. They may produce content for the site. Developers designate what applications are required on the web pages, and they monitor web traffic, being familiar with web server systems.

Jobs include front-end, back-end developers, UI designers, UX designers, full-stack developers, and more.

This kind of IT job is expected to grow by %14.9 by 2026.

Market Analyst

The e-commerce marketplace is quickly growing. As companies try to reach and engage their customers, market analysts ensure how business decisions must be. They serve as a market intelligence analyst principally telling these businesses what products they want in the market and how much they are willing to pay for them. Marketing analysts have a duty to investigate market conditions to evaluate the sales of goods and services. Their duties consist of foreseeing and following sales rates, gathering consumers’ and competitor’s data, making a report for management.

In a wide window of this career, these people study market conditions for a specific product or service. So, these IT job people require a very determined skill set, including Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Web Analytics, Critical Thinking, Statistic knowledge, Data collecting, and Data Analyzing.

These IT jobs are forecasted to grow by %18 by 2029.

Transition Phase of IT Jobs

The existence of the companies in this new world depends on how fast they react and get accustomed to new conditions. Firms are in the transition phase, moving their physical stores into e-Commerce platforms. They have a CyberSecurity branch and the physical security team where they deploy their digital goods into cloud data centers. Also, their IT departments are managed by an IT director and require more IT jobs and positions than ever.

While a huge amount of money is being invested in IT Jobs, nobody gets the tolerance to lose very sensitive data or have it misused by third-party intruders. So keeping data and systems private, safe, and secure constituted a crucial part of IT jobs as the digital transformation develops.

The evolving phase of IT jobs is in the table below:

Transition FactorsDescription
Digital TransformationCompanies are moving from physical stores to e-commerce platforms, emphasizing digital goods and cloud data centers.
Increased IT DemandThe demand for various IT roles has surged, with a particular focus on keeping data secure and private.

Covid Effects on Remote IT Jobs

In pandemic conditions, the most accepted implementations are work-from-home and the usage of cloud-based applications for companies and various organizations.

Besides that, some more work from home IT job roles have been becoming increasingly valuable. IT careers like Data Scientists and Python developers faced an increase in demand in late 2021. According to Dice’s report considering 2023, “Fastest Growing Salaries By Occupation” is published as follows.

fastest growing salaries by occupation
Figure 1: Dice Fastest Growing Salaries By Occupation Statistics.

Forbes magazine also published a report named “Glassdoor’s 50 Best Jobs In America For 2023 Dominated By Tech Careers”. According to that report, 8 of the 10 best jobs for 2023 are in IT-related work. 22 of the top 50 best jobs for 2023 are in IT-related career areas, spanning AI, Cybersecurity, Data Science, DevOps, Data Engineering, Software Development.

To Sum Up

By witnessing the historical transformation in the employment area, it is obvious that IT is beyond a choice. It is an obligation. It’s possible to add more to these IT jobs above. All over the world, organizations seek IT Directors and employees at every level. Many IT job experts share the same point of view that there is a high demand and huge gap in the aforementioned IT Jobs. Therefore to close this big gap, entry-level IT Job training entities have also been growing. These educational firms achieve a great job. They play a critical role between the IT sector and human resources by educating a job-ready person for IT jobs depending on their curriculum. Clarusway is a Virginia-based IT Bootcamp that differs from similar ones with a comprehensive Career Management Service (CMS).

How Much Do Coding Jobs Pay? Mon, 22 Aug 2022 07:58:21 +0000 It is a privilege to have a career in the IT sector. Getting a coding job can be a rewarding and high-paying career once you have improved yourself and gained enough experience in the field. In addition, you may continue to increase your income as you have more expertise in particular coding languages. 

In this article, we clarify what is a coding job, the types of jobs you can apply for as a coder, and how much money you can earn by getting a coding job.

What is a Coding Job?

When you hear the word coding, the question “what is this coding job” almost always comes to mind. What do the different coding positions even involve? In a coding job your main objective is to use computer programming language or tools to create, maintain or monitor websites, applications, and programs.

What is a Coding Job?

In other words, coding jobs are directly related to a product, by whom, for what purpose it is used, and what you are dealing with. The positions differ in general like;

  • Preparing a new software or a tool used by developers.
  • Creating an application or website that directly meets the user or customer.
  • Coordinating the development, maintenance, and testing steps of an application or website in the preparation process.
  • Protect applications and websites from attacks and continue to work safely.
  • Analysis of data obtained from sources and making them meaningful

In addition to the above, coding jobs are diversified according to the tasks performed. Let’s review them together.

Types of Coding Jobs You Can Apply

The coding jobs are directly related to your coding education and knowledge level. Therefore, the jobs you can apply for may vary depending on these parameters. So it would be best if you choose the right path and the right bootcamp according to the jobs you plan to have. In this respect, while discussing the topic, we will avoid delving into the details of education, but you should keep in mind that before a job search.  

Front-End Developer:

The front-end is the client-side. Front-end developers are responsible for designing the graphical user interface. In other words, users see what the front-end developers do in the application or website.

As a front-end developer, you are expected to know some coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; frameworks like Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, React; libraries, tools, and more to code at the front-end side.

Back-End Developer:

The back-end of a web application is the unnoticeable part happening behind the scenes. The back-end developer is responsible for designing all back-end components and logic and connecting them to the front-end and database.

Back-end developers can work with various programming languages, including Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby. By and large, businesses also search for a back-end developer expressing proficiency in programming languages. Consequently, you may face the expression of Python or PHP developer rather than the term back-end in job postings.

Full Stack Developer: 

The term “Full Stack Developer” refers to a developer profile who possesses the programming skills necessary to develop both the front-end and back-end components of software when creating web applications. Full-stack means that software and application developers are capable of participating in both phases of development.

Full-stack developers use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and other programming languages. Also, they are experts in one or more back-end programming languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby, or PHP.

Cloud Engineer:

Cloud Engineering is a branch that brings together numerous IT methods and tools under a large building. The framework’s body is composed of multiple computer infrastructures. Such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Oracle, and Alibaba Cloud offer cloud technologies.

Cloud engineering focuses on cloud services, like IaaS (infrastructure as a service), PaaS (platform as a service), and SaaS (software as a service).

Cloud engineers can be classified as Cloud Architects, Solution Architects, Cloud Software, Cloud Security, Cloud Network Engineers, Cloud SysOps, or Database Administrators. Each of these positions is focused on a specific aspect of cloud computing rather than the technology in general.

DevOps Engineer:

A DevOps engineer implements methods, processes, and tools to balance requirements in the software development life cycle, from developing and deployment to maintenance and updates.

To summarize step by step, DevOps engineer follows the software development cycle from the beginning till deployment. After production deployment to infrastructures like a cloud or on-premise DevOps Engineer clarifies how many resources are required. Lastly, DevOps engineers monitor the applications. 

In short, since the development and operations teams have been merged, a new job category, DevOps engineer, has been created.

Data Scientist:

In general, data science retrieves information and insights from various data types, develops complex quantitative algorithms, and synthesizes large amounts of data. Therefore, data science jobs include essential positions such as data analyst, data scientist, and data engineering.

Typically, Data Analyst is the entry-level coding job within data science. Its primary responsibility is to analyze the data and use it to answer business questions, interpreting and communicating the results in the organization.

Characteristics that distinguish data scientists from data analysts are good computer, programming, statistics, and math skills. Thanks to these capabilities, data scientists reveal valuable data among data stacks.

Data Engineers discover patterns in data groups and set algorithms. They obtain valuable data from the raw stack for a company. In this respect, this IT position necessitates various technical skills, including an understanding of SQL databases and comprehensive programming abilities.

Cyber Security Analyst:

A cyber security analyst guards a business’s hardware, software, and networks against cyber attacks. The analyst’s primary responsibility is to gain a thorough understanding of the company’s infrastructure, constantly supervise it, and analyze potential network threats.

Cybersecurity analysts find vulnerabilities to correct before a breach occurs. And they conduct penetration tests as an ethical hacker by tools like Kali Linux and Metasploit.

Types of Coding Jobs You Can Apply

How Much Money Can You Earn By Having Coding Jobs?

The earnings of the IT fields vary in the coding jobs. Salaries also vary depending on your experience in your field, from beginner to expert. However, you will inevitably have a good income when you get the job.

How Much Money Can You Earn By Having Coding Jobs?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual salary for coding work is $95,000. Let’s take a look at the median annual salaries for various types of coding jobs.

  • Full Stack Developer: $82,500 
  • Cloud & DevOps Engineer: $99,200 
  • Data Scientist: $99,800 
  • Cyber Security Analyst: $99,800 

Reinvent Yourself to Get Rewarding Coding Jobs with ClaruswayYou can have a lucrative career in the IT field and earn good money without even having an IT background. Clarusway’s advanced training methods and expert instructors are ready to help you accomplish your new career goals. Your rewarding coding job is only a few clicks away!

Which Tech Career is Right for You? Thu, 18 Aug 2022 10:22:41 +0000 You are in the right place, if you are wondering ‘what career is right for me in tech?’. Undoubtedly, one of the most profitable careers in the world today is tech. The average salary for tech occupations in 2021 is $97,430, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report. The report also shows that experienced tech workers earn over $100,000 annually.  

There are different tech skills to learn apart from coding or website development. These skills are in high demand and are a good option when seeking an industry where you can grow.

Using a career quiz will help you understand the right tech role based on your skill set, personality, and interests. In addition, the right course and mentorship will make your transition into tech easy.    

In this post, you will learn how to select the right tech role and match your skills to a tech career. Join us as we prepare you for a successful tech career.

tech career

How Do You Choose the Right Tech Career?

Choosing the right tech career is a multi-step process that matches your strengths and interests for success. Many people are discouraged from transitioning into tech because they need proper guidance. Tech careers are broad with different job opportunities to suit your personality. 

choosing the right career

What Are the Indicators to Determine If a Tech Career Is a Good Fit?

Determining if a tech career is a good fit involves assessing both personal and professional indicators. Here are 7 good indicators to determine if tech is a good fit for you:

  1. You like solving problems.
  2. You like tasks that are both creative and tasking and also want to get paid to do it.
  3. You are curious and like learning new things.
  4. You want to switch careers, or you are trying to start one.
  5. You will love to work remotely, set your work hours, or work in a flexible work environment.
  6. You are excited about the field of technology and how it can impact the world. 
  7.  You want a career where you can grow and also enjoy long-term stability. 
tech career indicators

What Factors Should You Consider When Selecting a Tech Career?

Selecting a tech career involves considering a range of factors. Here are 5 vital factors you should consider before selecting a tech career:

  1. Interest and Passion
  2. Skills and Abilities
  3. Education and Training
  4. Salary Compensation
  5. Personal Lifestyle and Preferences
tech career selecting factors

Interest and Passion 

Interest is a feeling of wanting to always learn about a particular subject, topic, or skill, while passion is an extraordinary enthusiasm towards something. Interest and Passion towards a career is an excellent drive to achieve great results in any field. In this context, your interest and passion are activities you enjoy and can spend your time and money on. 

For example, your enthusiasm towards building apps is a good sign that you will excel as a programmer. On the other hand, you can opt for data analysis if you have a keen interest in working with data and numbers.

Skills and Abilities

Skills and abilities are the knowledge acquired that allows you to execute a task. Different tech roles require certain skills and abilities. Pursuing a tech career requires you to possess hard and soft skills. It is important to align your preferred career with your skillset. 

Hard skills are technical aspects of a particular role, which include coding, data analysis, project management, etc. On the other hand, there are 10 essential soft skills in the IT world.  To have a successful career in tech, you must combine the soft and hard skills required in that role.  

Education and Training

Education and training are the theoretical and practical knowledge needed in a field. Every career has its education and training. Determining the level of education required in your preferred tech role is important. 

To learn more about tech careers without coding, read the article “Can I become a coder without a Degree?”

Salary Compensation

Salary compensation is the payment, usually in the form of money, that an employee receives in exchange for the services they provide to their employer. On average, some tech roles pay higher than others because of the technicality, scarcity of employees, and other significant factors. For example, Web3 developers receive up to $150,000 as an annual salary, according to ZipRecruiter. 

To learn more about Web3 developers, read the article “How to Become a Web3 Developer?

Personal Lifestyle and Preferences

Personality, lifestyle, and preferences are significant factors when choosing careers. Extroverts find joy in jobs and careers that require socialization, while introverts will not. Personality also affects your preferred work environment. Regarding lifestyle, a family-oriented employee will not be happy with a tech role that comes with traveling a lot. 

Can A Tech Quiz Help You Discover Your Ideal Tech Career?

Yes, a tech quiz can be a useful tool to help you understand which tech career might be a good fit for you, especially if you’re early in your exploration or unsure about the vast array of tech roles available. A tech career quiz is an assessment that helps you discover the ideal tech careers that align with your interests, abilities, and education.  IT career quiz helps you discover the tech role that fits your persona and interests based on the answer given in the assessment. 

The Tech Career Quiz

Start your tech journey by taking a free tech career quiz. Discover the right career path that aligns with your interests and skill set.


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You can have an idea about the most suitable IT path for you by spending 
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Begin the Quiz  

Exploring the Wide Range of Tech Career Options:

What is the right tech job for me? It is the question that its answer leads you toward a wide range of career paths for almost everyone in IT. There are over 550,000 tech companies in the US with over 12 million employees. The tech sector is growing yearly, with roughly 200,000 IT field jobs added in 2022. 

What Are the Different Types of Tech Careers Available?

Here are 10 different types of tech careers you can pursue and their average salary annually:

  1. Software Developer/Engineer
  2. Web developers
  3. Data Scientist
  4. Cybersecurity Analyst
  5. DevOps Engineer
  6. Web3 Developer
  7. UI/UX Designer
  8. Salesforce Administrator
  9. Machine Learning Engineer
  10. IT Support Professionals 


types of tech careers

Software Developer

Software developer is the Tech Career that creates operating systems, mobile applications, web applications, and websites by writing codes. Software developers learn different programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, etc.  The average salary of a software engineer annually is $100,000.

Web Developers

Web developers are professionals who design, create, and maintain websites. They use a variety of programming languages, tools, and techniques to bring web designs to life, ensuring that websites are functional, user-friendly, and meet the needs of users and clients.

Web developers are also known as Full-Stack developers. They are subdivided into front-end developers and back-end developers.  Common programming languages used by web developers are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. 

The front-end engineer creates the visual part of the website or applications. On the other hand, the back-end developer is in charge of building the part that you cannot see. The job of the back-end developer includes creating application servers and databases that make the website or app function. The average salary of a web developer annually is $80,000.

Data Scientist

A data scientist is a professional who uses scientific methods, algorithms, systems, and processes to extract insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. Data scientists improve an organization’s process by collecting and interpreting information. Data scientists perform detailed analyses using data mining skills to improve organizational decision-making. 

Data scientists and analysts deal with data and use programming languages like SQL, python, and XML. They interpret large volumes of data by preparing diagrams, charts, graphs, reports, etc. The average salary of a data scientist is $110,000.

Cybersecurity Analyst 

A cybersecurity analyst is a professional responsible for protecting an organization’s computer systems and networks from cyber threats, including hackers, viruses, and other malicious software. Cybersecurity experts are in high demand in our world owing to the increasing number of hacks in different organizations. Cybersecurity analysts earn roughly $100,000 annually.

DevOps Engineer

A DevOps engineer is an IT professional who is responsible for the smooth running of the IT infrastructure in an organization. They carry out software maintenance, test applications, and server administration. AWS DevOps engineers are trained to manage AWS infrastructure and contribute to an IT firm’s development processes.

A DevOps engineer has knowledge of both development and operations. They work with software engineers, systems engineers, and other technical employees in an IT organization. On average, AWS DevOps engineers receive $120,000 every year. 

Web3 Developer 

A Web3 developer is a software developer specializing in creating and maintaining applications that run on the Web3 infrastructure. Web3 developers create decentralized apps (DApps) and smart contracts on blockchains. Web3 is a developing sector in tech that has enjoyed popularity due to the invention of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Web3 developers are well-versed in different programming languages such as C++, Javascript, solidity, Python, and Rust. Web3 developers are in high demand, and they receive up to $150,000 annually.

UI/UX Designer 

A UI/UX designer is a professional who specializes in designing user interfaces (UI) and ensuring a positive user experience (UX) for digital products, such as websites, mobile apps, and software applications. 

UI/UX designer UI means user Interaction, while UX means user experience. UI designer creates the graphical interface of a website or application for the web developer to build. UI designers. They create the layout of an application by creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. UI designers use different design tools. They also have a working knowledge of typography, branding, color, interaction design principles, etc. 

UX designer is responsible for making an application or website user-friendly. The aim of UX designers is to improve customer experience when they use an application. UX designers improve buttons, headers, links, typography,  design user journeys, etc. UX designers collect data and do research to achieve an optimal experience for users.  The average earning of a UI/UX designer is $90,000.    

Salesforce Admin

A Salesforce Admin, or Salesforce Administrator, is a professional responsible for managing and configuring the Salesforce platform for an organization. Salesforce admin is responsible for improving business operations by keeping track of sales data and customer interactions. They use Salesforce, a customer relationship management CRM software, to manage leads, contacts, and sales. Salesforce admins do not require knowledge of coding. An average salesforce developer earns $80,000 per annum.

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning engineer is an IT professional researching, designing, and building artificial intelligence systems. A machine learning engineer aims to build accurate AI systems. 

 AI is a rapidly developing aspect of tech, making machine learning engineering a profitable tech role. Machine learning engineers learn different languages, such as Python, C++, and Java. Their average salary is $115,000 per year.

IT Support Professionals  

IT Support Professionals are individuals responsible for assisting users with hardware and software problems, ensuring the smooth operation of computer systems within an organization. They are acquainted with a particular software and help customers solve problems. IT support professionals have good interpersonal and communication skills. An average tech support professional earns $40,000 in a year.

How to Match Your Interests and Skills with Tech Careers?

Matching your interest and skills with a tech role is a precursor to achieving a successful tech career.  Aligning your interests with a role is also an excellent booster when you need help knowing where to start in tech. The best career paths in tech for you should be the ones you enjoy and are passionate about. Here are 7 steps to help you find the right tech career that fits your passions and abilities:

1. Assess Your Skills

Assessing your skills, both technical and soft, is essential for shaping your tech career. Reflect, seek feedback, and gauge your proficiency to align your abilities with your aspirations. Continual self-assessment is key for success in the dynamic tech industry.

2. Research Different Tech Careers 

Explore different career options based on your interests. For example, you can pursue a career as an IT support professional if you love to assist people and possess excellent communication skills. 

3. Know The Educational Requirements

Know the educational requirements for the role you want. Some tech roles require a college degree, while others require an online course or boot camps.  

4. Take Online Courses 

Enroll for online courses organized by experienced IT professionals in your chosen career. Online courses will enhance your skills and equip you with practical knowledge about your career. 

5. Mentorship

Find an experienced professional to mentor you. Mentors will guide you as go through your tech journey by providing interview tips, contributing to your growth, etc.   

6. Gain Practical Knowledge Through Internships

Internship is one way to gain practical knowledge and experience in any career. In addition, look for freelance or volunteer roles to get practical experience in your chosen tech career. 

7. Stay Updated

With tech, you never stop learning. Tech is an ever-evolving industry. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news in your field. 

matching interests and skills with tech careers

What Are The Job Opportunities In Tech?

The tech industry offers a wide range of job opportunities, including Software Developer/Engineer, Web developer, Data Scientist, Cybersecurity Analyst, DevOps Engineer, and more, spanning various specialties, skill levels, and areas of expertise. The growth of technology has created millions of job opportunities in the world. In the US, tech field jobs are among the high-earning careers. Presently, IT jobs account for over 6% of America’s total workforce. Furthermore, the tech industry is expected to grow by at least 4% every year.

The industry is always evolving and creating job opportunities every day. Web3 developers and DevOps engineers are good examples of tech careers in demand. These jobs were not popular a few years ago. 

How To Start An IT Career Path?

Starting an IT career path requires a combination of education, skills acquisition, networking, and practical experience. Tech jobs provide an opportunity for growth in your chosen career path. The salary compensation and the flexible work environment available in the tech space is good reason for you to start an IT career path. Nonetheless, the best information technology jobs require experience, constant learning, and excellent problem-solving skills.  

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, choosing the right tech career should be a blend of your interests, skills, and personality. That said, proper tutorship and mentorship are important criteria for a successful career.
Clarusway offers you an opportunity to easily transition into tech by attending its intensive boot camps. At Clarusway, you can gain experience by solving real-life problems. Enjoy proper guidance and mentorship from experienced tutors. We do not stop at just training you; we ensure you also land a job. 

Top 30+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 Thu, 28 Jul 2022 05:14:40 +0000 In the fast-paced world of technology, DevOps has emerged as a key player in bridging the gap between software development and IT operations, fostering a culture of collaboration and efficiency. As we step into 2024, the demand for skilled DevOps professionals continues to soar. Whether you’re a fresher aspiring to break into this dynamic field or an experienced professional aiming to advance your career, acing a DevOps interview is crucial.

Our comprehensive guide, “Top 30+ DevOps Interview Questions And Answers For 2024,” is meticulously crafted to prepare you for the most pressing questions in the DevOps realm. From fundamental concepts to complex scenarios, this guide covers a wide range of topics, ensuring you’re well-equipped to handle any question thrown your way. We delve into essential DevOps tools, methodologies, and best practices, providing clear, concise answers that reflect the latest industry trends and standards.

In this blog article, we will discuss the interview questions for beginner, intermediate and experienced levels.

Get ready to embark on a journey through the most insightful and relevant DevOps interview questions, designed to not only test your technical knowledge but also to showcase your problem-solving skills and your adaptability to the ever-evolving tech landscape. Whether you’re aiming for a role in a startup or a multinational corporation, this guide is your key to unlocking a successful career in DevOps. Let’s dive in and explore the questions that will set you apart in your next DevOps interview.

Frequently Asked DevOps Interview Questions

Here is a list of some of the most common DevOps interview questions and answers for those preparing for DevOps roles in the business.

DevOps Interview Questions for Freshers

Let’s examine DevOps interview questions for freshers. 

1. What is your knowledge about DevOps?

The words “development” and “operations” are combined to form the term “DevOps.”

Developers and operators are two separate teams working together to get an application ready.

A person who develops an application is referred to as a “developer.” Operators also set up and keep this application on servers. After the application was created and launched over the previous years, not much needed to be updated. Everyone was happy these days because updating and adapting the software to changes would take far too long. Developers and operators were divided as a result.

The modern era, however, has constantly updated applications in recent years. The redundant nature of the updates demanded the development of a new process culture, which gave rise to DevOps.

By coordinating and orchestrating software development with IT operations, businesses can design and deliver applications and services using a set of adaptable practices and processes called DevOps.

When development and operations teams collaborate, they can reduce obstacles and improve software creation, distribution, and monitoring.

In layman’s terms, it removes obstacles that had previously stood in their way so that premium software features and applications can be delivered continuously (CI/CD).

2. What is the difference between DevOps and Agile methodology?

The DevOps culture facilitates cooperation between the development and operations workgroups. As a result, the software is continuously developed, tested, integrated, deployed, and monitored throughout its lifecycle. DevOps resolves issues and disagreements between IT Operations and Developers.

Agile is a software development method that emphasizes customer feedback and iterative, incremental, small, and quick software releases. It resolves disparities and disputes between customers and developers.

3. Which DevOps tools are the most widely used?

The most common DevOps tools are:

  • Selenium
  • Puppet
  • Chef
  • Git
  • Jenkins
  • Ansible
  • Docker

4. How many phases are there in DevOps?

There are eight phases of the DevOps lifecycle:

  • Plan: A detailed application type plan is required for a comprehensive understanding of the development process.
  • Code: The program is coded based on the end user’s requirements.
  • Build: Create the application by merging the codes generated in the preceding phases.
  • Test: This is the most important phase of the app creation process. Check the app’s functionality and rewrite it if it breaks.
  • Integrate: Multiple codes from various programmers are combined into a single one.
  • Deploy: Code is released for use by other users In cloud computing. New updates are checked thoroughly to make sure they will not break a high-traffic site.
  • Operate: The code is operated on if necessary.
  • Monitor: The operation of the application is always being monitored. The final consumer’s needs are prioritized, and adjustments are made accordingly.

5. Describe some of DevOps’ primary advantages

The major advantages of DevOps are:

  • Delivering software continuously
  • Fewer complicated issues to handle
  • Earlier identification and more rapid fixing of flaws
  • Quicker delivery of functions
  • Dependable working conditions
  • Enhanced teamwork and communication

6. What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Developers code and then combine their codes to the main repository using the continuous integration (CI) method. Each integration is checked by an automated build process, allowing teams to discover faults with their code considerably sooner than after the release.

continuous integration

7. How are continuous delivery and continuous deployment different?

Here are the difference between continuous delivery and continous deployment:

Continuous DeliveryContinuous Deployment
Makes sure that code can be put into production safely.Every update that succeeds in automated tests is deployed automatically to production.
Guarantees intended functionality of apps and services.Increases the speed and reliability of software development and release.
Delivers each modification to a production-like atmosphere via strict automated testingIn the absence of such overt developer endorsement, a practice of monitoring always be established.

8. What function does AWS play in DevOps?

AWS performs the following roles in DevOps:

  • Flexible services: Offers elastically, fully prepared services with no need for software installation or configuration.
  • Built for scale: AWS services enable scaling from a single instance to multitudes.
  • Automation: Automating tasks and processes with AWS gives you more time for innovation.
  • Secure: AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM) enables the configuration of user permissions and policies.
  • Large partner ecosystem: AWS provides a sizable technology platform that integrates and expands the capabilities of AWS services.

9. What is Version control?

Version control, commonly referred to as source control, is the act of monitoring and controlling modifications to software code.

Using version control, you can:

  • Restore a file’s state to a previous one.
  • Restore the project’s entire state to a previous one.
  • Make a comparison of the evolution over time.
  • Check to see who last changed something that could be problematic.
  • Who and when initiated an issue?

10. What are the benefits of using version control?

Here are the benefits of version control:

  • The Version Control System enables all team members to independently work on every file at any moment (VCS). You can later combine all the changes into a single version using VCS.
  • The VCS has all of the previous iterations and variations organized neatly. You can demand any version whenever you need it, giving you immediate access to a screenshot of the entire project.
  • Your VCS requires you to enter a brief summary of the changes made each time you save an updated version of your project. Additionally, you can view the file’s content to determine what changes were made. You can ascertain who changed what about the project thanks to this.
  • If the central server goes down, you can use any of your team members’ local Git repositories because a distributed VCS like Git enables all team members to access the entire project history.

11. What is SSH’s function?

Secure Shell, or SSH, is a command-line administrative protocol that enables users to connect and control remote servers over the net.

The secure and encrypted SSH protocol has replaced the previously popular and insecure Telnet. By doing this, it was made sure that the communication with the remote server was encrypted.

12. How do you push a file from your local computer to the GitHub repository using Git?

Step-1: Link up the local repository to your remote repository: git remote add origin [web addr.]      

     (example: git remote add origin

Step-2: Push your file to the remote repository: git push origin master.

13. Describe the Git branching concept.

Imagine you are making an app and plan to give it a new feature. The new feature can be built on a new branch that you create.

  • The default working branch is always the master branch.
  • Different branch commitments are represented by the circles on the branch.
  • You may merge it with the main branch after you have completed all changes.
Git Branching Concept

Intermediate Interview Questions

Here are the most frequently asked intermediate interview questions:

14. What are the three most important KPIs for DevOps?

Several DevOps KPIs are listed below:

  • Reduce the time required to recover from failure on average.
  • Increase the frequency with which deployments occur.
  • Reduced Failure Rate of Deployments.

15. How does Ansible work?

There are two different categories for servers in Ansible:

• Controlling machines

• Nodes

Ansible must be installed on the controlling machine in order for SSH to be used to manage the nodes. The controlling machine’s inventories would specify and configure the nodes’ locations.

Due to Ansible’s agentless nature, no installations are necessary on the servers hosting the remote nodes. As a result, running any background processes while managing remote nodes is unnecessary.

Ansible can control numerous nodes from a single system thanks to Ansible Playbooks and an SSH connection. Playbooks can carry out a variety of tasks and are in the YAML format.

16. What is Continuous Testing (CT)?

Continuous Testing (CT) is the DevOps phase that entails running automated test cases, and the test case is a component of an automated software delivery pipeline. That serves as a means of receiving immediate feedback on the performance of the developed code and the validation of any business risks.

CT is the DevOps step that comprises performing automated test cases as a part of the pipeline in order to receive rapid feedback on the quality and validation of company risks associated with the automated generation of code.

By using this phase, the team will be able to test every build continuously (as soon as the developed code is pushed), giving the development teams the chance to receive immediate feedback on their work and preventing these issues from cropping up later in the SDLC cycle.

Due to the lack of manual involvement steps required to reconstruct the project and execute the automated tests each time a change happens, doing so would significantly accelerate the developer’s workflow for developing the project.

17. Can you differentiate between continuous testing and automation testing?

The following describes the distinction:

Continuous TestingAutomation Testing
All automated test cases are run through this process as part of the delivery process.This process replaces manual testing by assisting the developers in creating test cases that can be executed repeatedly without manual involvement.
This procedure focuses on the commercial risks connected to the earliest possible software release.Using a set of pass/fail locations as a guide, this process enables the developer to determine whether the features they have created are bug-free or not.

18. Explain the master-slave architecture of Jenkins.

This architecture works as follows:

  • Each time a code commit occurs, Jenkins master retrieves the updated code from the remote GitHub repository.
  • It spread the workload among all of the Jenkins slaves.
  • The slaves execute, build, test, and produce test reports as directed by the Jenkins master.
master slave architecture of Jenkins

19. What are key concepts in the Jenkins pipeline?

Here are the key concepts in the Jenkins pipeline:

  • Pipeline: A CD pipeline is a user-defined model. The code for the pipeline specifies how an application is built, tested, and delivered.
  • Node: It is a component of the Jenkins environment and can run pipelines.
  • Step: A single task that instructs Jenkins to take when it’s triggered.
  • Stage: Identifies a theoretically separate group of tasks carried out throughout the whole pipeline (build, test, deploy stages)

20. Describe some fundamental Git commands.

The following table summarizes a few of the fundamental Git commands.

git initTo start a new repository.
git config –
git config –global “[name]”git config –global “[email address]”
To set the user’s username and email address.
git clone <repository path>To generate a local copy of a repository.
git add –
git add <file names separated by commas>git add .
To add multiple files to the staging area.
git commit –
git commit -a git commit -m “<add commit message>”
To create a record or snapshot of the file(s) in the staging area.
git diff –
git diff [first branch] [second branch]git diff -staged
To display differences between the two branches mentioned and to contrast the current version with the staging area’s versions of the files.
git statusTo make a list of every file that needs to be committed.
git rm <file name(s)>To delete a file or files from the current working directory and also stages it/them.
git show <commit>To display the metadata and content changes for the commit.
git branch –
git branch [branch name]git branch -d [branch name]git branch
To create a brand new branch.To delete the mentioned branch.To list all of the branches that are available while highlighting the branch we are presently in.

21. How can you copy Jenkins from one server to another?

Step-1: Copy the relevant job directory to transfer the job from one Jenkins installation to the other.

Step-2: To duplicate an existing job, clone the job directory and give it a new name.

Step-3: Rename a directory to rename an existing job.

22. What are the resources in Puppet?

Here are the resources in Puppet:

  • Resources are the main components of any configuration management tool.
  • These are characteristics of a node, like its software or services.
  • The action to be taken on or with the resource is described in a resource declaration that is written in a catalog.
  • The node is put in the desired state when the catalog is performed.

23. What is an Ansible role?

Embedded inside a playbook, an Ansible role is a standalone group of tasks, variables, files, and templates.

24. What is a Dockerfile used for?

Docker file is used for the following:

  • Docker images are produced using a Dockerfile.
  • A Docker image allows any user to run the code that builds Docker containers.
  • After being created, a Docker image is uploaded to a Docker registry.
  • Users can create new containers at any moment by retrieving the Docker image from the Docker registry.
What is a Dockerfile used for?

25. How do you run multiple containers using a single service?

  • With Docker Compose, multiple containers can operate as a single service.
  • Each container operates independently but is still capable of communication.
  • Docker Compose files are YAML files.
How do you run multiple containers using a single service?

DevOps Interview Questions for Experienced

Here are the DevOpa interview questions for experienced:

26. Which are the top DevOps tools? Which tools have you worked on?

The most popular DevOps tools are

  • Git: For Version Control.
  • Jenkins: For Continuous Integration.
  • Selenium: For Continuous Testing.
  • Puppet, Chef, Ansible: For Configuration Management and Deployment.
  • Nagios: For Continuous Monitoring.
  • Docker: For Containerization.

In my career, I have successfully developed and deployed software using all of these tools.

If you didn’t work on all those tools: These (the ones you work on) tools are my area of expertise, and I am familiar with the others.

27. How do all these tools work together?

I will explain with a simple flow. But depending on the circumstances, this process may differ from organization to organization.

  • Developers generate the source code, and version control system tools like Git are used to manage it.
  • The developers send the code to the Git repository, and any changes are then committed to the repository.
  • Jenkins uses the Git plugin to pull this code from the repository, then builds it with Ant or Maven.
  • Puppet, a configuration management tool, deploys and sets up the testing environment. Jenkins then releases this code on the test environment, where testing is carried out with a tool like Selenium.
  • Jenkins sends the code to the production server for deployment once the code has been tested.
  • When deployed tools like Nagios are used to continuously monitor it.
  • Testing environments for the build features are provided by Docker containers.
How do all these tools work together?

28. How is Puppet Module different from Puppet Manifests?

The Puppet Module consists of manifests and data. Classes, facts, custom types, defined types, and tasks are automatically loaded by Puppet when they have a particular directory structure. Modules must have a valid name and be installed in the module path of Puppet.

Puppet Manifests are code-based Puppet programs. It employs PP extension.

29. How can you configure systems with Puppet?

There are two ways to configure systems with Puppet:

  • The Puppet Agent and Puppet Master should be used in client or server architecture.
  • The Puppet application should be used in standalone architecture.

30. How is Ansible playbook different from ad-hoc commands?

  • The work for server configuration is described in an organized unit of scripts called an Ansible playbook. It is applied to repetitive actions.
  • Ad-hoc commands are used for quick, occasionally repeated tasks.

31. How is Ansible different from Puppet?

Here are the difference between Ansible and Puppet:

Easy agentless installationAgent-based installation
Developed using PythonDeveloped using Ruby
Configuration files are written in YAMLConfiguration files are written in DSL
no Windows supportsupport for widely used OSs

32. Why are SSL certificates used in Chef?

  • To make sure that each node has entry to the correct data, SSL certificates are employed among the Chef server and the client.
  • Each node has a set of private and public keys. On the Chef server, the public key is kept.
  • The node’s private key will be included in an SSL certificate that is sent to the server.
  • The server uses this in conjunction with the public key to identify the node and grant it access to the data.

33. How is Chef CookBook different from Chef Recipe?

  • A Chef Recipe is a collection of resources used primarily to configure software and other infrastructure. Ruby is the language used to write recipes.
  • In contrast, a chef cookbook contains recipes that achieve a node’s desired state.

34. Explain the architecture of Docker

  • Docker operates on a client-server architecture.
  • A command is run by the Docker Client service. The REST API is used to translate the command before sending it to the Docker Daemon (server).
  • In order to create Docker images and run Docker containers, the Docker Daemon accepts the request and communicates with the OS.
  • A template of instructions called a Docker image is used to build containers.
  • A Docker container is a package that contains an application and its dependencies.
  • Docker registry is a service for storing and distributing Docker images to users.
 Explain the architecture of Docker

35. What is kubectl?

Kubectl is a command-line interface that allows users to issue commands to Kubernetes clusters. Ctl stands for “control” in this context. Applications can be deployed, cluster resources can be inspected and managed, and logs can be viewed by using the ‘kubectl’ command-line interface.

36. Explain the different Selenium components

The various components of selenium are as follows:

The Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE): 

It is a straightforward framework that includes an easily installable Firefox plug-in. It is recommended to use this Selenium component for prototyping.

Selenium Remote Control (RC): 

Selenium RC is a testing platform that allows programming in any language. That supports the automation of the UI testing for web apps.

Selenium WebDriver: 

It doesn’t depend on JavaScript and takes a better approach to automating the testing of web apps. Cross-browser testing is possible with this web framework.

Selenium Grid: 

This proxy server operates with Selenium RC and is able to execute concurrent tests on several nodes or machines using browsers.

37. How do Containers communicate in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, a pod maps containers to one another. Multiple containers may be found inside a Pod. In an overlay network, pods have a simple network hierarchy and speak with one another in a flat manner, so theoretically, any pod there can talk to any other pod.

38. Describe IaC and configuration management

As opposed to manually or through graphical user interfaces, the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) paradigm manages and tracks infrastructure configuration in files. That enables a more flexible configuration of the infrastructure and, more notably, clear tracking of changes using a version control system.

Software programs known as configuration management systems allow for an environment’s consistent, dependable, and secure management.

Multiple individuals can collaborate and store the system configuration of hundreds of servers in a single location by using an optimized DSL to specify the state and configuration of system elements.

One of the earliest generations of contemporary enterprise configuration management solutions was CFEngine.

By automating processes like software installation and creating and configuring users, groups, and responsibilities, they hoped to create a repeatable environment.

Configuration management became widely available thanks to second-generation systems. Puppet and Chef can both operate in autonomous mode, but they are typically set up in master/agent mode, where the master passes configuration to the agents.

Ansible is more recent than the other solutions and is well-liked due to its simplicity. There is no centralized server, and the configuration is stored in YAML. Through SSH (or WinRM on Windows), the state configuration is sent to the servers, where it is then executed. The drawback of this method is that it may take a long time to manage thousands of machines.


As a DevOps Engineer, you must have in-depth knowledge of relevant processes, tools, and technology, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the products, services, and systems in place. As you’ll see, there is a great deal to learn to obtain a rewarding job in the DevOps field, including automation tools and more.

These are a few of the most frequent interview questions for DevOps engineers you may encounter during an interview. Enroll in the Clarusway DevOps course if you wish to obtain a good or better position in your DevOps career. Because Clarusway’s courses provide in-depth knowledge of processes, tools, and technology, and its Career Management System (CMS) prepares you for job interviews.

Frequently Asked Questions About DevOps

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices, principles, and cultural philosophies that aim to improve collaboration and communication between development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) teams within an organization. The primary goal of DevOps is to streamline and automate the software development and delivery process, allowing for faster and more reliable software releases. As stated by industry pioneer Patrick Debois in 2009, it is a technique, not a technology. By interoperating, development and operations teams may take away obstacles and improve how they build, deploy, and continually monitor software.

What are the DevOps tools?

DevOps tools provide software development process automation. DevOps tools primarily focus on matters linked to the software production chain by implementing cooperation and collaboration across the development, testing, networking, administration, and operation units.

Applying DevOps methodologies and technologies enables businesses to operate more effectively, create more often, and reach the greatest levels of customer satisfaction.

What are the DevOps Jobs?

In this context, many large organizations abandoned their on-premise servers and began to obtain services from cloud service providers. So, this article heavily focuses on widely used AWS cloud service jobs as DevOps jobs.

AWS Developer: 

AWS Developer’s major responsibility is content delivery and solution-related code writing. Thorough knowledge of, at a minimum, one high-level programming language, experience in developing and deploying cloud-based apps utilizing AWS as well as a CI/CD pipeline to deploy apps, and an understanding of the microservice architect are required for this position.

AWS Solutions Architect: 

This position entails talking with clients to comprehend challenges and create solutions utilizing AWS services. Other abilities include recognizing technical needs for an AWS-based app, familiarity with AWS’s worldwide architecture, an in-depth grasp of AWS services, and calculating monthly costs.

AWS DevOps Engineer: 

AWS DevOps engineer combines the advantages of cloud computing with the DevOps methodology. Coding in at least one high-level programming language, understanding of commonly used DevOps tools, the experience of AWS services linked to DevOps, and the automation ability to ensure CD and CI processes are the most significant talents for AWS DevOps engineer.

AWS DevSecOps: 

This role integrates cloud computing and DevOps techniques with a security layer. The most important abilities required for this position are the key to utilizing DevOps tools, experience with AWS Security, an in-depth understanding of AWS DevOps services, considerable familiarity with Terraform/CloudFormation, ability to construct CI/CD pipelines, and Linux programming experience.

Let’s briefly touch on common DevOps jobs that are not integrated with cloud services. 

  • Release Manager: This position plans and manages the software lifecycle.
  • Devops Lead: This role has in-depth knowledge of Jenkins, Git, Nagios, Zabbix, bit bucket, SVN, Chef, Puppet, and Ansible.
  • DevOps Automation Expert: This role has in-depth knowledge of Git, SVN, bitbucket, and Jenkins.
  • DevOps Testing Professional: This position has the ability of unit testing, build testing, Selenium, and MySQL.

What are the Requirements to Become a DevOps Engineer?

DevOps engineers might have a superior problem–solving abilities and a passion for teamwork. As developers’ managers, they must comprehensively understand the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that drives software development projects. DevOps engineers are employed in all sizes of IT firms and technology-driven companies.

DevOps engineers often have the following responsibilities:

  • Establishing infrastructure management tools and processes.
  • Using the various programming languages and platforms.
  • Implementing workload automation across various cloud services.
  • Testing and deployment procedures in automation.
  • Providing internal and external stakeholders with support across many platforms.
  • Developing tools and methods intended to enhance user pleasure.
  • Using Git and related tools for managing versions.
Top 9 Reasons to Launch a Tech Career – Clarusway Mon, 30 May 2022 13:06:57 +0000 Tech is all around us, from Google Maps to Facebook to that cool Tesla automobile you see on the road. A tech career entails working in one of the fastest expanding, most dynamic, and potentially highly demanding career fields. It encourages innovation and creativity yet necessitates precision and a high level of attention to detail. In this article, we will look at tech careers in-depth and focus on the reasons why people choose them.

Top 9 Reasons to Launch a Tech Career

What is a Tech Career?

A tech career is responsible for completing a technological project by the tools and programs. The industry offers a diverse selection of employment, which means that your hobbies can lead to the career you pursue. For example, you could have expertise in software development, information security, web development, or another industry area.

As new software becomes available and trends arise, tech jobs constantly evolve.

Why Is A Good Tech Career?

Workplaces today appear to be constantly evolving. Employee priorities shift all the time, but lately, they’ve been focused on wellness perks, family leave, and flexibility. Then the global pandemic completely disrupted most firms for more than a year, transforming how managers must handle approaches.

A tech carrier adopts all-new era needs and offers more benefits than the others. Let’s have a look at the competitive offerings:

Excellent Pay:

Due to the global average wage for IT, it is better than the average compensation for other jobs. Therefore, even if you relocate to another geographic area or organization, your wage satisfaction will remain constant.

Great Benefits:

Today’s workers place a high value on benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and financial support for daily sports activities, and your company possibly supplies these perks.

Personal Fulfillment And Satisfaction:

When the items you generated while role in an individual or team project come into contact with the consumer, they provide a high feeling of job satisfaction. Positive feedback on your product will improve your enjoyment greatly, especially at the end of difficult and determined job processes.

Job Security:

Even if you’re always on the lookout for the next best thing, you still want to feel secure in your position. When it comes to the tech business, far more than sufficient employment is available. So you’re safe in your chosen tech career.

Opportunities For Advancement:

You may boost your value as a versatile employee by learning new programs and tools and staying up to date on IT advances. That improves your overall contentment.

Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Initiatives(DEI):

Workers want to feel supported, accepted and have a sense of belonging. The IT industry offers jobs to everyone all around the world, especially through remote work. If you prioritize industries with this focus, you will find workplaces more inclusive in tech careers.


The ability to work remotely is the most common feature in tech jobs. You may work from home or on the go, not confined to a specific spot. All you need is internet connectivity.

What Are Tech Jobs In Demand?

The digital transformation is occurring globally, and companies have embraced it through enormous employment. The following are the most in-demand tech jobs.

What Are Tech Jobs In Demand

1.    Software Developers (Front-End, Back-End, Full Stack)

Developers conceive of, design, and build computer programs, applications (for mobile or desktop use), or operating systems. Developers act in different roles:

  • Front-end developers who design the graphical user interface are client-side.
  • Back-end developers are responsible for designing all back-end components and connecting them to the front-end and database.
  • Full-stack developers possess the programming skills necessary to develop both the front-end and back-end components of software when creating web applications.

2.    Data scientists

Data science retrieves information and insights from various data types, develops complex quantitative algorithms, and synthesizes large amounts of data. Data science jobs include essential positions such as data analyst, data scientist, and data engineer.

3.    Cloud Engineer:

Cloud Engineering is a branch that brings together numerous IT methods and tools under a large building by the cloud Technologies (Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Oracle, etc.). Within the realm of Cloud Engineering, the implementation of aws-devops practices is essential for efficient application deployment and management on cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Cloud Engineers can be classified as Cloud Architects, Solution Architects, Cloud Software, Cloud Security, Cloud Network Engineers, or Cloud SysOps.

4.    DevOps Engineer:

The development and operations teams have been merged, and a new job category, DevOps engineer, has been created.

A DevOps engineer implements methods, processes, and tools to balance software development life cycle requirements, from development and deployment to maintenance and updates.

5.    Cyber Security Analyst:

A cyber security analyst guards a business’s hardware, software, and networks against cyber attacks. The cyber security analyst‘s primary responsibility is to gain a thorough understanding of the company’s infrastructure, constantly supervise it, and analyze potential network threats.

6.    Web Developers:

Web developers are in charge of creating web-based applications that meet business objectives. A skilled web developer can code and script apps, create and maintain a secure web page, administer many online applications, effectively communicate with customers, and execute regular site audits and maintenance.

7.    Database Administrators and Architects:

Database administrators or architects build and maintain the software used to manage databases and provide data accessibility. Typically, architects are in charge of developing and building databases. Meanwhile, administrators are in charge of each day operating database systems.

What Skills You Need For Starting A Tech Career

In a tech career job, you will most likely be working on projects with your colleagues. So firstly, you will need basic soft tech career skills for your profession. Let’s take a look.

What Skills You Need For Starting A Tech Career

Being a Good Communicator:

The capacity to effectively communicate concepts, ideas, requirements, or objectives is a skill that will back your performance and effectiveness. Strong communication abilities (natural, learned, or developed) are intimately related to the next key competency: collaboration.


In your workplace, you will work in a team, in the same office, or online throughout the borders and regions. The ability to collaborate opens your mind by expressing ideas and embracing new approaches. By the way, it is critical to your professional success within your career.

Willingness To Learn:

By working in a technological structure, you need to take part in the cycle of following innovations, keeping up, and learning. So continuously improving yourself makes good sense. It’s a core ability that won’t change today or tomorrow.

Reasons to Launch a Tech Career

The Tech career path is broad and full of growth opportunities. You will be able to experiment with the most recent innovations in one of the fastest-growing sectors available. Let’s take a broad look at the reasons.

Universal Job:

Every company in today’s digital world is a tech company. Such as, a makeup company gets a new-age digital-beauty platform, a bank has an AI (Artificial intelligence)-powered chatbot, and a food company’s logistics service functions with data and web applications. As new technologies come about because of the goals of businesses, there will be a lot more demand for an IT career.   

Degree Not Required

In contrast to other industries, your diploma is usually not required when applying for a job in IT. Firms intend to analyze your hard skills first, then your soft skills, before making a job buy. In addition, they assess your familiarity with the most recent and valuable programs and tools utilized in the field. In summary, you can have a tech career without a degree.

Endless Opportunities

Let’s go over the prominent opportunities.

  • You may not want to showcase your talents by working for a company with freelance work.
  • You will improve your problem-solving abilities in all aspects of your life due to learned algorithmic thinking.
  • After the long working period of projects, your products meet with the user, providing high job satisfaction.

Only Need a Laptop and Internet

Working remotely is the most significant attribute of an IT career. Without being linked to a certain place, you may work while touring. All you require is access to the internet.

Good Income

The average tech career salary level is greater than the average wage of other occupations. So even if you go to a new location or employ by a different firm, your wage satisfaction will not change.

Low Education Cost

A Bootcamp costs less than a computer science degree and provides fast-paced tech career programs. You will be ready to start a new job by saving money and time.

Easy Transitioning Into A Tech Career

Thanks to digital education opportunities, starting a new career has never been easier. After applying to the tech career bootcamp, you will be able to begin job interviews in a few months. In addition, Clarusway will give career counseling throughout the course to aid you with your job search.

Post Pandemic

With the pandemic, technology has reached a tipping point, which is always evolving. During the covid pandemic, companies boosted their infrastructure and tech employees to digitize as quickly as possible to continue providing services uninterruptedly. As the number of tech employment increased, so did the demand for educated personnel. This revolution also happened in the field of education. In this cycle, the benefits of a tech career seem to last forever.

Job Security

Analysts believe that Automation will eliminate most existing employment in the near future. However, personnel is unconcerned about the rising demand for tech careers. Furthermore, IT has found applications in practically every industry and aspect of life, enhancing its value. As a highly sought-after ability, business owners are willing to recruit skilled personnel regardless of their academic education.

Start Your Tech Career With Clarusway

You read the mind-blowing reasons to launch a tech career above. You have to take a step and apply to Clarusway bootcamps supported by its career management service (CMS). Now it is time to start your tech career training with Clarusway!

Can I Become A Coder Without A Degree? Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:37:13 +0000 If you are eager to become a coder but are unsure how your education will affect your career, this article is for you. First, we will discuss the various types of coding jobs and training options available, as well as their impact on the job search process. Finally, you will learn how the business world approaches Bootcamp graduation during the recruitment process and your chances of gaining a new career.

What Kind Of Work Do Coders Do?

What Kind Of Work Do Coders Do
Coders are employed in a wide variety of fields of information technology. Let’s summarize in general.

Coding For A New Program:

Full-stack developers develop the programs by coding. If you become a coder in the full-stack path, you may be classified as a Front-End developer and Back-End developer. You will build programs from their beginnings until presenting to the user by performing necessary tests in the processes.

Fixing And Updating Existing Programs:

Developers also detect bugs that occur while performing the functions of programs, correct errors from feedback, update the programs with the corrected parts, and publish them in final forms. This job is also critical in terms of ensuring user satisfaction.

Rewriting A Program For Various Platforms:

Different operating systems support various programming languages and tools. As a result, developers can meet the requirement of rewriting a program to run on multiple platforms.

Coordinating Programing Cycle:

This task coordinates the steps involved in developing, testing, deployment, and monitoring programs. This job is, called DevOps, has grown in popularity in recent years. DevOps engineers provide continuous interaction and delivery between stages with developed programs and DevOps tools.

Protecting Programs Against Threats:

The companies or the users of the programs must protect their valuable assets or personal data from malicious people. For this purpose, coders in cyber security, namely cyber security analysts, use the programs and tools necessary to detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Therefore, the demand for cyber security personnel reveals the importance of this field.

Data Analysis And Processing:

Data scientists are tasked with the responsibility of analyzing and generating actionable insights from data collected from the web, smartphones, customers, sensors, and other sources. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are both ongoing and complementary fields of study in this field. Making the rapidly obtained data stack meaningful is essential in determining company strategies in today’s technology.

What Skills Do You Need To Become A Coder?

Jobs require various skills, depending on the nature of the work. Coders design, plan, write, control, correct, and improve the programs. Considering these works, coders require the following skills:

  • Comprehensive thinking,
  • Planning,
  • Focusing on details,
  • Dividing problems into parts,
  • Generating practical solutions.

On the other hand, if you become a coder, you will carry out projects with your colleagues. Because these projects are long-term in nature, you must have the following soft skills:

  • Adaptation
  • Effective communication
  • Team working
  • Reliability and ethical behavior

How Much Do Coders Earn?

It is customary to ask, “When I become a coder, will I can get financially in return for all my hard work.” A tip for you: as a result of your internet search, the salary figures you come across will put a smile on your face.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), when annual salaries are considered, the average annual value of work in coding is $95,000. With the yearly growth of technology, it is predicted that recruitment needs will reach 700,000 within ten years.

Based on this, when you become a coder after Bootcamp, there will be no need to calculate how high your employment rate is. By the way, your salary will increase when you reach senior degrees over the years. These top-paying 10 percent senior degrees earn more than $146,050.

Pros and Cons of Becoming A Coder?

Is becoming a coder suitable for you? To assist you in answering this question, we will outline the positive and negative aspects. So let’s examine it together.

Advantages Of Becoming A Coder

Advantages of becoming a coder

● You Will Have A Good Salary:

Given the global average salary level of IT, it is higher than the average salary level of other professions. Therefore, even if you move to a different region or work for a different company, your salary satisfaction will remain the same.

● Job Satisfaction Is High:

When your products, which you created as part of an individual or group project, meet with the user, they provide a high level of job satisfaction. Positive feedback about your product will increase your pleasure significantly, especially at the end of a long project process.

● You Can Work Anywhere:

The most important feature that sets programming work apart is the ability to work remotely. You can work while traveling without being tied to a location. All you need is the internet. Even on the streets, we walk, it is now possible to meet this need.

● No Formal Graduation Is Required To Get A Job:

Recruiters try to learn your hard skills first, examining them with your knowledge of industry-standard programs and tools. Then your soft skills. Whether you graduated from college, Bootcamp, or even free training videos, the first thing to consider is what you’ve known.

● You Can Improve Yourself Continuously:

You can increase your value as a versatile employee by learning new programs and tools and improving yourself by staying current on IT developments. This enhances your satisfaction in all aspects.

● Your Problem-Solving Skills Improve:

Algorithmic thinking works by segmenting the whole and concentrating on individual problems. Thanks to becoming a coder, you will also increase your problem-solving skills in all areas of your life more easily with the same method.

● Take Advantage Of Freelance Opportunities:

You may not wish to demonstrate your abilities by working for a company. You have complete control over your projects and earnings and branch out into new areas with freelance work. Numerous job search platforms for freelancers are available on the internet.

Disadvantages Of Becoming A Coder

Disadvantages of becoming a coder

● Keeping Up With Rapidly Evolving Technology:

If you work in a technological environment, you must participate in the cycle of innovation, adaptation, and learning. Some jobs’ working environments remain constant over time. In contrast to other industries, becoming a coder requires continuous interaction with technology, adaptation to changing environments, and occasionally even contributing to this change. Constant self-improvement, while common sense for satisfaction, can be exhausting.

● Sedentary Work Environment:

You will always be seated in front of a computer. Reduced physical activity can have negative health consequences. But you can protect your health by participating in sports regularly. Most companies even encourage their employees for sport such as joining gym free. Also, you can find numerous products for working healthily, like using a height-adjustable desk and ergonomic chair.

● Repetitive Tasks:

When you become a coder, projects are broken down into tasks and distributed to you and your colleagues. As a result, you frequently work on the same or similar tasks throughout a project, which can become monotonous. For this reason, your motivation may decrease, and that can sometimes result in boredom. However, other aspects of your business are ripe for innovation, which will always keep you in shape in terms of self-development. So, it’s impossible to get bored here.

Steps of Building A Coding Career

Steps of Building A Coding Career


It is quite important to take some steps in order to build a coding career.

1. Make Sure You Want To Become A Coder:

To be confident about your job is not an IT-specific requirement, and it is essential for all businesses. You desire what and why. It would be best if you believed the coding is suitable for you. If you have no doubt, begin it. Starting trade is half the battle!

2. Determine Your Programming Language:

Coding is carried out in various programming languages. This divergence in languages has occurred due to developing technology and the proliferation of operating systems, the need for improved comprehension and writing, and compatibility requirements.

Generally, Python is preferred because it has gained popularity in recent years and is simple to use and distribute. Aside from Python, Java and C are widely used. The Bootcamp will offer you preferences in your path because, naturally, the language you choose directly impacts the direction you take in coding. For instance, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap for website or application developers, Node/Express.js for server business, and SQL and MySQL for database development are just a few of the languages you’ll encounter.

3. Begin Your Training:

It is critical where to begin your education. If you’re considering a new career, you’re likely to prefer Bootcamp. Because it is irrelevant what industry you have worked in previously or whether you are young or old to begin learning at Bootcamp. Additionally, you can participate in training from the comfort of your own home through online training. All you need is will and determination.

The other option is a university but, starting a new career with four years of face-to-face training may not suit you. Additionally, you can take the courses independently via educational websites. However, without the support of an expert team, it isn’t easy to plan the lessons and maintain both the strength and motivation to continue.

4. Reinforce What You Have Learned Through A Project:

Your project is also a crucial phase of your learning. The project is designed to prepare you for the tasks you’ll face once you start working. In addition, the project is intended to familiarize you with the tasks you will encounter once you begin working. Projects are self-contained to create a realistic environment in which seeking assistance from a teacher is not an option. When you become stuck, referring to your notes and searches will boost your confidence.

The bootcamp prepares the project to cover what you have learned and usually plans it for the last period of your education. If you are a self-learner, You will need to obtain the project yourself. But a worthwhile project almost always requires payment.

5. Apply For A Job:

Your resume is the first point of view in job applications. The resume describes the hard and soft skills that best tell you and your experiences and future goals. It would be best to take advantage of various platforms and resources to prepare a resume.

Furthermore, a resume alone will not be enough for recruitment; a job interview will also occur. In the interview, you will verbally express yourself and demonstrate your skills. Generally, interviews consist of several steps, and you will need to be specially prepared for them.

However, bootcamps can also assist you with both the resume and interview segments of the recruitment process. This process must be as active and focused as the learning period.

Where to Find Coder Jobs Opportunities?

where to find job opportunities
Now, you have passed all the stages, and it’s time for the first step in your career. You’re probably wondering where to begin your job search. As you learned in class, the internet will be your most valuable resource in this regard. So, let’s talk about some digital platforms for this process.


LinkedIn is the largest business network on the internet. This professional network can assist you in finding the right job or internship, establish and strengthen professional relationships, and progress in your career.

In addition, by displaying your resume and all of your skills on LinkedIn, you can allow companies looking for new employees to contact you and invite you to apply. In a nutshell, you will have the opportunity to showcase yourself in a showcase where businesses will follow.

Job Search Platforms:

These platforms are the easiest ways for companies to recruit people. All kinds of job postings can be found here. In addition, you can see IT’s employment announcements and the conditions requested for the application, and you can contact your preferred ones. Receptix, Indeed, Monster are some of these platforms.

Local Job Centers:

You can apply for jobs locally at the employment centers in your area. Although IT generally recruits employees on global platforms, there are also job opportunities in local centers. Therefore, if you intend to look for a job versatilely, we recommend you visit local job centers.

Bootcamp you attended:

Educational institutions are in contact with the business world. It is a fact that this relationship emerged as a result of the business’s desire to provide employees most shortly and safely. Providing jobs to its graduates is also one reason for Bootcamp’s preference. As a result, being a distinguished student at the end of your education will undoubtedly benefit you.

Become a Coder With Clarusway

Finally, you believe that you could become a coder without a graduation degree and then start a new career with the steps above. While reading this article, you may review Clarusway due to your bootcamp search.

Clarusway’s advanced training methods and expert trainers make your career preparation with the most accurate and practical techniques to make your dreams come true. No matter what age or business field you are in, come on then!

How To Learn Coding At Online Bootcamp? Wed, 09 Feb 2022 14:22:29 +0000 It would be helpful to briefly recall the reasons for learning coding before delving into the coding bootcamp. There are a plethora of important motives for learning code. Maybe you are just curious and wish to launch your own website and also work on a project that you have developed personally. Another might be to embark on a new career and take advantage of great privileges in coding and software development. Perhaps you’re looking for a new hobby. Even if you are unsure about pursuing a career in coding, it is easy to see how learning to code can have extraordinary benefits when considering the world’s technological advancements. Most likely, you’re motivated by these benefits to the point where you’ve decided to learn to code. But deciding how and where to begin learning to code can appear to be a bit complicated. A variety of resources and tutorials may have caused this confusion. Then it’s time to tell you about coding bootcamp!

What is Coding Bootcamp?

Coding bootcamps are organizations that offer training within a well-structured curriculum led by expert instructors. Unlike free video channels and tutorials that are not part of a curriculum, coding bootcamps guide you through a specific plan, much like the procedures required to build your house from the foundation to the roof. In other words, it begins with the fundamentals and incrementally progresses until you graduate as a successful and motivated coder. Typically, bootcamps include support activities to assist you in taking the first step toward a career after completing your education.

how to learn coding at online bootcamp

Is It Worth To Learn In Coding Bootcamp?

If you’re motivated to learn to code and have decided to dedicate yourself to programming, coding bootcamp is definitely worthwhile. Let’s explain some of the reasons why. Focusing on the most in-demand computer science, degree lessons in the IT, coding bootcamps enable you to complete the four-year learning process in months without requiring any STEM background. Prior to beginning the training, it informs you of the various career paths available through the education. This will enable you to begin training more deliberately.   Coding bootcamp tracks your progress through each stage of education and schedules additional lessons to make up for missed points. You pay less than for a computer science degree and receive a fast-paced education. In addition, you will be prepared to begin a new career by saving money and time. Now, we have discovered what coding bootcamp was, in general, worthwhile. Now is the time to conduct a thorough review of all aspects.

is it worth to learn in coding bootcamp

Pros And Cons Of Coding Bootcamp?

You know that coding bootcamp can’t make you show up at your new job with a magic wand and learn everything at once. But let’s list the logical aspects that cause motivation so you can use your willpower.


  • It provides a structured curriculum, so you won’t be overwhelmed by free videos and lessons that leave you at a loss for where to begin.
  • Due to the interactive nature of the instructor-led lessons, you have the opportunity to ask your questions.
  • Lessons are reinforced with hands-on activities.
  • Interval projects are carried out to ensure knowledge of the projects in the business environment.
  • Thanks to those who offer online education opportunities, you can attend the lesson from anywhere with your laptop.
  • The correct path is determined based on your desires, opinions, and abilities in coding education.
  • In a few months, you will be able to start job interviews.
  • Career counseling will be provided during the course to assist you in your job search.
  • You can have a lucrative career by paying a small fee.


  • Most days of the week, you must be dedicated to the coding bootcamp and stay focused. Because the bootcamp leadership will not give you rein.
  • You must have your own computer. Even if you attend a face-to-face bootcamp, you will need to do reviews and assignments outside of class.
  • Coding bootcamps are not free. You must keep in mind that most “coding bootcamp free” inquiries involve the introduction of free courses for a limited time only.

Fresh Look to Coding Bootcamp with Clarusway

After delving into the topic of coding bootcamps, the next question you ask yourself is: which bootcamp should I choose? Let us have a fresh look at coding bootcamp with Clarusway. Because Clarusway provides much more than what you’re looking for. It’s time to reveal Clarusway’s differences! Leading authorities in IT professional training identify Clarusway as one of the best bootcamps.

coding bootcamp with clarusway

What awaits you in Clarusway’s Education Methodology?

1. Model of Instruction that is cutting-edge:

With LMS, you can work from anywhere, at any time, by using the most recent educational tools and taking part in final-year projects.

2. Up-to-date Course Material:

A customized educational program incorporates detailed assignments and hands-on practices with the assistance of industry professionals.

3. Support on an individual basis:

It offers one-on-one coaching sessions, quick response in Q&A channels, and a technical support hotline.

4. Intensive Approach:

Clarusway follows learner analytics and checks up with students on a regular basis through mentor-led educational guidance.

5. Career Services:

Clarusway prepares you for interviews with robust support for your LinkedIn account and resume. The Career Management System (CMS) is one of the most distinctive features of Clarusway. It was created for you so that you can best present the skills and knowledge you have acquired during your education in job interviews. It is worth noting that the placement rate in the US is 91%. At Clarusway, beginners develop job-ready abilities, professionals gain new abilities to control their professions, and businesses can equip their employees with growth-oriented credentials by joining one of the IT online courses. Clarusway’s process is designed to lead each and every student to a successful professional career in the emerging global marketplace. It’s time to level up! All you have to do is apply!

Resume Building Tips And Tricks Mon, 27 Dec 2021 13:54:10 +0000 Your Resume is the most widely used document for job applications in North America, displaying qualifications such as individual skills, qualifications, and job history. However, the resume is even more confusing for Europeans accustomed to CVs, as it takes a lot of effort and serious strain to prepare even for a native North American.

That brings to mind the question, “Is it really that difficult to prepare a document with a maximum of 2 pages?” Actually, it is not. Or it would be more correct to say if you can distinguish a quality resource from a bad source on Google and know how important the special recruiters of the organization you are going to apply to this issue. Your job is not as difficult as it is exaggerated.

Of course, this is true for a moderately smooth resume. But, on the other hand, you can also prepare a high-level resume that can be shown as a “legend” by paying companies that do this job professionally. Of course, as in every subject, there is no limit in this regard, but the important thing is that we do this work ourselves and do not have to pay anywhere. The purpose of this article is to give you tips and tricks to achieve this. Let’s learn more…

The Difference Between Resume and CV:

difference between resume and cv
CV is the most common format throughout Europe, The Middle East, Asia, and much of South America. A resume is used in all fields other than medicine and some academic jobs in Canada and the USA. If you are asked to use a CV, it is indicated in the job announcement. Although they coined its name as CV, a unique format is used between Resume and CV in the UK.

While CV generally includes personal information (marital status, age, military service) and photograph, these are not used in resumes. Especially avoid photographing resumes because, according to a study, 88% of resumes with photos go directly to the garbage without being read at all.

CVs are usually 2-3 pages long, and even longer, there is no problem. A resume shouldn’t be more than two pages long, 1-1.5 is ideal. According to another research, a recruiting employee spends an average of 30 seconds examining each resume. Therefore, your resume should be short, direct, and purposeful.

Another difference is the frequency of writing and the purpose. The CV written once can also be used for other job applications, regardless of the position and job applied for. This is because you add a new experience and skill if you happen to acquire it. In addition to this, a resume is written separately according to each job and position applied; hence it is more specific.

What is a Resume? How is it Prepared?


As mentioned above, the purpose of writing a resume is not to display all your knowledge, experience, every education you have received, and your entire career. On the contrary, the resume focuses heavily on the job/position applied for.

For example, suppose you have studied sociology and economics, and you are going to apply for a credit officer position in a bank. In that case, you should not mention your sociology undergraduate study or you previously worked as a teacher. Now you are applying for a human resources position; in this case, you should not mention the sales representative in your resume. The basic logic is to talk about the work experience and academic background directly related to the position applied for.


structure of resume
The key point here is length. It is good if you can fit it on one page, 1.5 pages are not bad, and 2 pages should be an upper limit. If you go over this 2-page limit, your resume will probably go to the waste bin without reading. To deal with the length, there are a few more important rules about the structure:

  • Choose a legible font, avoid fancy and waxed fonts; Cambria or Arial is fine.
  • You should use the same font throughout the article; for example, Ariel in the “Work Experience” section, Cambria in the “Education” section, and Times News Romance in the “Summary” section is not a good means.
  • You can play around with the font size, provided that it is not too radical. For example, it is fine to use 14 size fonts for headings and 12 size fonts for normal body text.
  • Avoid italic and underline as much as possible as they make it difficult to read. You can use Bold.
  • You can put the date in the upper right corner in the form of a header (it should be on every page).
  • As with any text, use spacing between lines that makes it easier to read. If you have enough space, double spacing is ideal. If not enough, it should be 1.15 at least.


In a resume, a few items in the format may vary by country, but the general rule is as follows:

a. Heading/Contact Information:

This is the personal information part that we know very well (let’s not forget that we do not include personal information such as age, photo, marital status, etc.). In this section, we write our name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and LinkedIn URL information, if available.

It would be better to write your name and surname in bold. If your resume consists of more than one page, you must have your name and surname on every page.

b. Profile Summary:

This part is the summary part that we talk about in a maximum of 4-5 lines. Avoid using personal pronouns (“I”, “Me”, “We”) in this section and throughout the resume. For example, instead of starting with “I am a result-driven marketing specialist who…” we should introduce ourselves “A result-driven marketing specialist who is eager to learn every day…”

c. Skills:

This part is how we state our specialty, competencies, knowledge, and skills. For example, technical Skills, Soft Skills, Transferable Skills, IT skills, the software you can use, your features, problem-solving skills, writing skills, organizational skills, etc., can be specified here.

Around 6 lines and 12 items are ideal.

d. Education:

As the name suggests, it is the section where you mention your academic background. If your work experience is more than your education, you can add work experience to item 4 and education to item 5. Let us remind you again, only include your educational background related to the position you applied for. Additionally, never include other educational information unrelated to the position you applied for.

e. Professional Experience:

Again, as the name suggests, this section is entirely devoted to working experience. To put it emphatically, in this section, mention only your work experience related to the job and position you applied for.

f. Additional Information:

If you have a significant interest, hobby, or related professional organizations and volunteer activities you are a member of, you can write briefly to this section. The key is to keep it short and not go into detail.

Language to Use:

First of all, you should use formal language, as you can guess.

  • There should be no grammatical errors, spelling, and punctuation errors in your Resume. Thus, read at least 2-3 times before submitting your resume and get support from an expert if necessary.
  • Use action verbs that express self-confidence and action. What are these action verbs? Managed, challenged, built, earned, boosted, chaired, accomplished There are dozens of them. You can find the ones that will work for you with a simple Google search.
  • Based on the logic of the necessity of using action verbs, avoid using verbs and expressions that express insecurity such as “I feel, I believe“. For instance, rather than saying, “I believe that I can be a substantial component for your organization“, say “I am confident that I can be a substantial component for your organization“.

Tips and Tricks

resume building tips and tricks

  • Avoid stereotyped expressions such as “responsible for“, ”seeking a challenge” as much as possible. You can search for “what words/phrases to avoid when writing a resume” on Google and reach many of them.
  • As mentioned above, avoid personal information as much as possible. For example, beware of details such as why you left your previous job.
  • Overselling is better than underselling. Market yourself and your skills well; of course, that doesn’t mean telling a lie.
  • Do not write salary expectations. If you are invited, this issue will definitely come to the fore during the interview. At that time, you can state your salary expectation in a reasonable and appropriate language.
  • Although it is not a rule to include a cover letter, it is generally good. If you are going to include it, it should be placed above the resume.