Cybersecurity Training For Veterans

As veterans, you’ve defended our nation; now, champion our digital frontiers. Join us and reshape your legacy in cybersecurity.

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Clarusway VeteransSecurED Program

VeteransSecurED Program

Cybersecurity For Veterans Program

At Clarusway VeteransSecurED Program, we recognize our nation’s veterans’ unmatched discipline, dedication, and determination. Through our Cybersecurity for Veterans Program, we strive to empower these remarkable individuals by providing them unparalleled opportunities in the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity. We offer comprehensive training, mentorship, and career opportunities, ensuring our veterans are equipped with the skills they need to protect our digital realm.

Program Highlights

Full Scholarship

We proudly offer 10 eligible veterans a 100% scholarship to our distinguished cybersecurity program.

Special Recognition

For our veterans who narrowly miss out on the full scholarship, we recognize your dedication and commitment with a 50% tuition discount for the subsequent enrollees.

Holistic Support

Beyond just academic knowledge, our program emphasizes mentorship, one-on-one coaching, and crucial soft skills training to ensure comprehensive growth.

Job Placement Assistance

Our commitment extends beyond just education. We ensure continuous job placement assistance until every veteran secures a position, underscoring our unwavering dedication to our veterans' successful transition into cyber security careers.

Selection Criteria

Why It Matters: Meeting these criteria isn’t just about checking boxes. It’s about ensuring you’re positioned for success, benefitting from the program’s full spectrum, and emerging as a cybersecurity leader.

Service Legacy

Your status as a veteran isn't just a check in a box. It's a testament to your dedication, discipline, and resilience. We honor that legacy by inviting you to apply.

Cyber Enthusiast

Beyond just an interest, we're looking for individuals with a genuine passion for cybersecurity. If you've ever been captivated by the intricate dance of code, or if you've ever felt the urge to guard the digital realms, this is your stage.

Full Dedication

This isn't a side gig. It's a commitment. A journey. We seek those ready to immerse themselves wholeheartedly, ensuring a transformative learning experience.

Program Sync

We've crafted specific academic prerequisites and program criteria to ensure success. Meeting these means you're aligned with our vision, ready to delve deep, and primed for excellence in cybersecurity.

Upcoming Program

Cybersecurity Analyst Professional

Schedule : Part-time
Duration : 5 Months
Curriculum :

  • Module 1 (CompTIA Security Plus Certification + Exam Prep)
  • Module 2 (C-SOC (Cybersecurity Operation Center) Experience
  • Module 3 (Job Hunting)

Level : Beginner (No Prerequisites)

Course Start Date

11 March 2024

Last Admission Date

4 March 2024

Proudly training the world for endless possibilities

We’re super proud to train people and change lives for the better by placing our students in the best companies on the planet.

Meet our Bootcamp Alumni from around the world!

We’ve upskilled over 3,000 students and graduates from around the world. They’re successfully working in the IT industry and part of our alumni network. Meet our alumni online and hear their success stories. Learn how you can become a member of the Clarusway family and get the career you’ve always dreamed of – it’s your turn to shine!

What We Have Accomplished

Clarusway is ranked as one of the best bootcamps by the leading authorities on IT career training.

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Think You Have What It Takes?

Dive into a transformative experience, and let’s reshape the future of cybersecurity together.

Before enrolling, please review the Clarusway VeteransSecurED Program Policy to ensure you’re fully informed and aligned with our program guidelines.
Check the terms of

Request a detailed syllabus.

Fill in the form to receive more information about the course.



I. Introduction

The “VeteransSecurED” scholarship program by Clarusway is a tribute to our veterans, acknowledging their unwavering dedication and commitment. The unique qualities and resilience imbued in veterans make them prime candidates for thriving in the dynamic world of cybersecurity. By providing an all-encompassing educational framework, Clarusway aspires to not only equip veterans with state-of-the-art cybersecurity knowledge but also to cultivate a pathway towards a prosperous career in the realm of digital security.

II. Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the VeteransSecurED program, veterans must fulfill the subsequent qualifications:

  • Veteran Verification: Present evidence confirming their status as a veteran.

  • Keen Interest in Cybersecurity: Display a distinct enthusiasm or inclination towards the domain of cybersecurity.

  • Program Commitment: Demonstrate the ability and willingness to engage with the program on a full-time basis throughout its duration.

  • Academic and Program-Specific Prerequisites: Satisfy any additional academic or course-related stipulations defined by Clarusway during the application period.

III. Program Overview

The VeteransSecurED program at Clarusway offers a myriad of opportunities tailored to uplift the career aspirations of our veterans:

  • Full Scholarship Opportunity: We extend a complete scholarship to 10 deserving veterans, offering them an opportunity to delve deep into the realm of cybersecurity without financial constraints. (Note: This scholarship does not cover certification fees or any other external tuitions. See also Section X)

  • Substantial Tuition Discount: Recognizing the vast talent pool, we grant a 50% tuition fee reduction to the next 40 veterans, ensuring broader access to our top-tier curriculum.

  • All-Rounded Program Support: Beyond traditional education, we champion personal and professional growth with:

    • Dedicated mentoring sessions to foster domain knowledge.

    • Regular coaching to hone technical prowess.

    • Soft skills training, essential for effective team dynamics and leadership in cybersecurity.

  • Pathway to Employment: Our commitment extends beyond education. Upon completing the program, veterans receive robust job placement support, ensuring a smooth transition to meaningful roles in the cybersecurity industry.

  • Ever-evolving learning Paradigm: By providing access to rich learning resources for an additional 6 months after the course ends, we ensure that our veterans remain at the forefront of developments in the industry.

IV. Application Process

For a seamless application to the VeteransSecurED program, applicants are guided through the following steps:

  • Website Navigation: Begin by exploring the official Clarusway website, directing your focus to the dedicated VeteransSecurED program section.

  • Online Application Completion: Fill out the comprehensive application form available on the site. Please be meticulous, ensuring every requisite field captures accurate information.

  • Document Submission: Apart from the application form, you’ll need to provide pertinent documentation. This primarily includes verifying your veteran status and any additional documents specified.

  • Awaiting Response: An acknowledgment will be sent once your application is successfully submitted. Thereafter, stay attentive to further communications from Clarusway, which will guide you regarding subsequent phases in our selection procedure.

V. Selection Process

Navigating through the pool of talented applicants, the selection process is designed to identify the most aligned candidates for the VeteransSecurED program. Here’s an in-depth overview:

  • Committee Review: A specialized selection committee within Clarusway thoroughly examines every submitted application. This team possesses the expertise to gauge both potential and passion, ensuring each application receives a fair and informed evaluation.

  • Evaluation Metrics: Our evaluation is multifaceted. While an applicant’s fervor for cybersecurity is paramount, the committee also measures their alignment with the program’s core objectives and assesses their innate and acquired potential to excel in the cybersecurity domain. It’s essential to understand that these are just a few of the many nuanced considerations taken into account.

  • Interview Phase: A list of standout candidates will be shortlisted based on the application evaluations. These individuals will then be invited to partake in an interview. Depending on logistics and circumstances, these interviews may be held in-person or through virtual channels. The interview is a significant stage, offering candidates an opportunity to articulate their aspirations further and showcase their aptitude.

  • Admission Confirmation: Those who successfully traverse the entirety of the selection process will be acknowledged with a formal letter of acceptance. This document will confirm their selection into the VeteransSecurED program and elucidate specifics regarding the scholarship type, program nuances, and other pertinent details.

VI. Scholarship Disbursement

Ensuring transparency and clarity in the financial facet of the VeteransSecurED program, here’s how the scholarship disbursement is structured:

  • Full Scholarship Coverage: Veterans fortunate enough to receive the full scholarship will have their entire tuition fee shouldered by Clarusway. This means no financial burden on the student, allowing them to focus purely on their academic and professional growth. (This does not include certification fees or any other external tuitions. See also Section X)

  • Discounted Tuition Fee Arrangement: For those veterans who secure a spot among the next 40 and are eligible for the 50% tuition reduction, the adjusted fee will need to be settled as per Clarusway’s established payment protocols.

  • Financial Communication: Post selection, every candidate will be furnished with comprehensive information regarding payment schedules, accepted payment methods, and other relevant financial intricacies. This ensures candidates are well-informed, avoiding any potential ambiguities down the line.

VII. Responsibilities of Scholarship Recipients

Being a recipient of the VeteransSecurED scholarship is an honor and comes with certain expectations and responsibilities. Recipients are seen as ambassadors and representatives of both the veteran community and Clarusway’s vision. To ensure the program’s success and mutual growth, the following responsibilities must be met:

  • Active Participation: Recipients are expected to fully engage in all program modules, demonstrating attendance, active involvement, and collaboration.

  • Upholding Excellence: A consistent standard of excellence and professionalism must be maintained throughout the program. This not only ensures individual growth but also solidifies the reputation of the program for future participants.

  • Regular Mentorship Interaction: The assigned mentors are valuable resources. Regular interactions, discussions, and coaching sessions with them are essential for maximizing the benefits of the program.

  • Compliance with Clarusway Standards: All policies, guidelines, and regulations set forth by Clarusway must be strictly followed, ensuring smooth program progression and fostering a positive learning environment.

  • Feedback Mechanism: Recipients are encouraged to partake in periodic reviews and provide genuine feedback. This not only aids in personal reflection but also offers valuable insights for the program’s continuous enhancement.

  • Brand Ambassadorship and Testimonials: As part of their scholarship agreement:

    • Recipients are requested to provide both video and written testimonials at the conclusion of each sprint, reflecting on their experiences.

    • They are encouraged to pen reviews about Clarusway on recognized review platforms, amplifying the program’s visibility and credibility.

    • Participation in events organized by Clarusway, including info sessions, tech talks, and success stories, is greatly valued. Sharing experiences and stories on such platforms offers inspiration and insight to both current and potential students.

    • Recipients should embody the ethos of Clarusway in their respective communities and networks, championing the program and acting as brand ambassadors.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, recipients contribute to their personal growth and play a crucial role in elevating the program’s stature and impact.

VIII. Termination/Withdrawal from the Program

At Clarusway, we’re dedicated to creating a conducive learning, growth, and mutual respect environment. However, we also understand the importance of maintaining a high standard of commitment and excellence for the benefit of all participants. Below are the guidelines pertaining to the termination or voluntary withdrawal from the VeteransSecurED program:

1. Termination by Clarusway:

Participants may be subject to termination from the program under the following conditions:

  • Consistent Non-Attendance: Missing more than 20% of the total program sessions without valid reasons or prior notice.

  • Failure to Maintain Program Standards: Not meeting the required performance criteria set out at each sprint’s start.

  • Interview Participation: Not participating in at least 1 Mock Interview that Clarusway will conduct after the course is completed.

  • Code of Conduct Violations: Any breach of Clarusway’s code of conduct, which includes, but is not limited to, acts of discrimination, harassment, academic dishonesty, or any behavior detrimental to the welfare of other participants.

  • Non-Compliance with Mentorship and Coaching: Failure to consistently attend scheduled mentorship or coaching sessions without valid justification.

In cases of potential termination, participants will first receive a warning, allowing them an opportunity to address and rectify the issue. If no improvement is observed, termination may follow.

2. Voluntary Withdrawal:

Participants who wish to withdraw from the program must:

  • Submit a Formal Request: A written request stating the reasons for withdrawal should be sent to the program coordinator.

  • Participate in an Exit Interview: This is to gather feedback and better understand the reasons behind the withdrawal, aiming to enhance the program for future participants.

  • Settle Any Outstanding Obligations: This includes returning any materials or resources provided by Clarusway and settling any pending financial matters.

If a participant voluntarily withdraws, they might not be eligible for a refund, depending on the stage of withdrawal. The specific details would be as per Clarusway’s refund policy.

3. Repercussions:

  • Participants terminated or withdrawing from the program will not be entitled to any certification, job placement assistance, or post-program benefits.

  • Failure to meet the program’s commitments (like providing testimonials, reviews, etc.) may lead to partial financial liability for those on full scholarship.

By laying out these criteria, we aim to ensure that all participants are aware of their responsibilities and the standards expected of them, fostering an environment of accountability and commitment.

IX. Appeals Process

At Clarusway, we are devoted to ensuring that every candidate receives a fair and impartial evaluation. However, we recognize that there may be times when applicants feel that their application was not assessed justly. In these instances, we offer a structured appeals process, allowing candidates to voice their concerns and, where possible, receive feedback.

1. Grounds for Appeal

Candidates can appeal their non-selection based on the following grounds:

  • Perceived bias or discrimination during the selection process.

  • Procedural errors or inconsistencies during the application review.

  • Relevant information overlooked or not considered by the selection committee.

2. Appeal Submission

  • Candidates wishing to appeal should submit a formal written appeal to the admissions office at within 7 days of receiving their non-selection notification.

  • The appeal should clearly outline the grounds for the appeal, providing detailed explanations and, where applicable, supporting evidence.

3. Appeal Review

  • Upon receipt, each appeal will be reviewed by an independent appeals committee not involved in the initial selection process.

  • The committee will evaluate the appeal based on the information provided and may request further details or clarifications from the candidate if necessary.

  • A decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal’s submission. The candidate will receive written communication detailing the committee’s decision and the rationale behind it.

4. Feedback

  • If the appeals committee finds the appeal to be valid, they will provide feedback to the candidate on areas of improvement and, where appropriate, may reconsider the application.

  • If the appeal is deemed invalid, feedback will still be provided to the candidate to offer clarity on the selection process and their application’s evaluation.

5. Finality of Decision:

  • The appeals committee’s decision is final. However, candidates are encouraged to apply again in future cycles, taking into account any feedback provided.

By offering this appeals process, Clarusway aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and the trust of our applicants. We value every individual who expresses an interest in our program and seek to provide avenues for open dialogue and continuous improvement.

X. Scope of the VeteransSecurED Scholarship

The VeteransSecurED scholarship program is specifically designed to provide financial assistance for course tuition fees. Here’s what this entails:

  • Included: The scholarship fully covers the course tuition fees associated with the VeteransSecurED program.

  • Excluded: The scholarship does not cover:

    • Certification fees or exams.

    • Costs of external course materials not included in the course tuition.

    • Any other ancillary or related expenses.

We urge candidates to be fully aware of these stipulations. Should you have anticipated costs outside of the course tuition, you would be responsible for managing and covering those expenses. Please ensure you’re prepared for any additional financial commitments beyond the scholarship’s coverage.

XI. Policy Review and Amendments

To guarantee the continuous alignment and effectiveness of the VeteransSecurED program:

  • Periodic Scrutiny: Clarusway’s administrative team diligently reviews this policy regularly. This iterative process ensures the policy remains relevant, effective, and in tune with the evolving needs of both the veterans and the industry.

  • Transparent Communication: Should any revisions or updates be made to the policy, Clarusway is committed to transparently informing all affected parties. Current and prospective students will be notified promptly through our official website, email communications, or other relevant platforms, ensuring everyone is kept abreast of any policy modifications.

XII. Contact Information

Navigating through the VeteransSecurED program or the scholarship application process can come with questions or clarifications. Clarusway ensures a seamless communication experience:

  • Email: Direct all your inquiries, feedback, or concerns to our dedicated admissions office at We prioritize your queries and typically ensure a response within two business days.

  • Phone: For a more direct conversation, dial (+1 (571) 360 66 77) during our office hours, which span from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT (New York Time), Monday to Friday.

  • Physical Address: Should you prefer a traditional method or have documentation to share, our official address is: Clarusway, 1775 Tysons Blvd., 5th Floor, Tysons, VA 22102.

  • Website: For a holistic overview of the VeteransSecurED program, detailed course offerings, and a step-by-step guide to the application process, explore our official website at

Remember, our Clarusway team is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that every applicant feels supported, informed, and confident throughout their journey with us.